In Fashion, what is a Technical Designer?

A technical designer is a member of the team that works to transform a designer’s concept into a finished product on the rack. Technical designers are typically graduates of fashion design programs, and they may also hold certifications in technical design. The job necessitates a wide range of abilities. The technical designer is best described as the person who acts as a liaison between the fashion house’s designer and the factory where the garments are manufactured.

A technical designer collaborates with a designer to discuss a garment concept and a patternmaker to create patterns. Fit is a concern for technical designers, who take flat measurements and adjust patterns to ensure that finished garments fit as intended. This data is used to provide direction to the factory so that it can produce garments that meet the requirements. Before becoming full-fledged technical designers, many people start out in lower-level positions to gain experience and gradually take on more responsibilities.

Technical designers must keep up with fashion trends in order to assist their employers in producing finished products that are fashionable at the time. They must also have a good understanding of textiles in order to know how different fibers fit, drape, and behave once sewn. A good aesthetic eye, as well as a knowledge of patternmaking, are essential. Because they are the first point of contact for so many key players in the design process, technical designers must also be good communicators.

The technical designer is involved in checking the garments to ensure that they look as intended and making any necessary adjustments to the specifications when factories produce the first mockups from patterns sent by the designers. Technical designers are usually in charge of the overall sizing and fit of a line. This explains why clothing from the same brand has similar fit and sizing characteristics.

Technical designers are not used by all fashion houses. Without a technical designer, a designer, pattern maker, and spec technician may collaborate to develop patterns and specifications for production. Large companies and companies that deal with overseas producers, on the other hand, are more likely to hire a technical designer to streamline the process. Although proficiency in multiple languages is not required of a technical designer, it can help to have foreign language skills because conversations with overseas producers may require translation.