Is Coal Dust Harmful?

Coal dust is harmful—the primary dangers are two disorders called coal workers pneumoconiosis (CWP) and progressive massive fibrosis (PMF). Both disorders are also commonly called black lung disease because of the way they make a person’s lungs look. These disorders can happen when people who work in coalmines inhale too much coal dust over time and it accumulates in their lungs. Eventually, the accumulation of coal dust can cause tissue changes in the lungs and lead to disorders that are very similar to emphysema and fibrosis.

The symptoms of black lung disease can take years to appear. Eventually, coal workers may begin to develop a cough that won’t go away. Sometimes this cough can be quite severe, and individuals will often be coughing up a lot of mucus. Over time, they may also suffer from shortness of breath and have a feeling that their airway is somewhat obstructed. People who also smoke may develop more severe symptoms, and coal workers with a smoking habit have a greater chance of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

In the CWP form, black lung disease is usually not that dangerous. People can often recover without any major complications, and at times, they may not even realize they have a problem because the symptoms are so mild. When it progresses to PMF, things become more severe, and it may contribute to certain serious complications. There is some evidence for a greater incidence of lung cancer along with a greater risk of respiratory failure. It can also put strain on a person’s heart and lead to eventual heart failure.

Doctors haven’t yet discovered a way to treat black lung disease. The most common course of action is to help people deal with the symptoms. The most important recommendation is to limit exposure to coal dust. This can involve wearing a surgical mask of some kind while working in a mine or possibly changing jobs.

In the United States, there have been lawsuits and laws passed regarding the level of coal dust in mining environments. Some states eventually authorized compensation programs for miners who were disabled by exposure to coal dust. The Federal Coal Mine and Safety Act was passed in 1969, and it set new standards for safety in the coal industry and established federal compensation, which was similar to previous state compensation plans. Safety has been improved in the coal industry, but many former coal miners still suffer from black lung.