Is There Such a Thing As Genetic Obesity?

A number of studies, including those conducted by researchers at Boston University and Harvard Medical School, suggest there is such a thing as genetic obesity. The genetics involve not only influence the body mass index of an individual, but where fat deposits are likely to be stored. In some cases, it is the presence of certain genes that affect genetic obesity. In other cases, the absence of certain genes, or certain bits of information within the genes, may be the most important factors.

While scientists have long understood that genetic obesity does exist, the genetic components were originally thought to only influence a very few families. Studies in the first part of the 21st century have suggested those prone to obesity, especially childhood obesity, may be more widespread. The Boston University study in 2006 suggested that scientists have uncovered a genetic link that may be shared by as much as 10 percent of the European and African-American populations. That new information could lead to even more links being discovered in the future.

In the 2006 study, researchers also found a variant in at least one gene, Insig2, that is known to regulate fatty acids and cholesterol synthesis. A variant was also found in another gene, but the function of that gene has not yet been determined. Another study, published by Nature in 2010, suggested that deletions on a certain chromosome may provide an indication of genetic obesity, especially obesity that is severe and happens early in a person’s life.

Other studies have also suggested that genetic obesity may not be the product of one or two genes, but rather a whole set of genes. If the right set is present, then obesity may be more likely to occur, especially in certain segments of the population. Researchers are still trying to map most of these genes, and determine which may be responsible for predisposing a person to obesity. Despite the need for continuing research, reports indicate enough of a relationship does exist that points to the existence of genetic obesity.

The presence of genetic obesity is very important as the medical community looks for new ways to combat the health problem. Knowing that a person has a certain genetic variation could lead to new treatment methods, such as medicines that help to counter that effect. In addition, the medical community could watch closely those who are prone to obesity to encourage healthy lifestyle choices, in an attempt to prevent poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle.