Should I Cook with my Rings on?

While you may love spending time in the kitchen whipping up culinary delights, one thing is certain. Before getting too involved with the cooking, it is a good idea to take off your rings and place them in a safe location. Here are a couple of reasons why you should not cook with your rings on.

Cooking with rings on may seem to be something that is not a big deal. In some instances, there really is no advantage to removing the rings. For instance, opening a can and emptying the contents into a microwave proof dish will work fine with or without the presence of rings. If your form of cooking involves nothing more than a can opener and a microwave oven, then you probably can cook with your rings on and experience no problems. However, when preparing food from scratch, the hands are often used to interact with the food. It is in those instances that cooking while wearing rings is not the safest way to go.

One prime example of when you should not cook with your rings on is when making a meat loaf. In order to obtain the best mix of the wet and dry elements with the ground beef, the hands need to be used to knead and blend the mixture. Trace amounts of the beef and other ingredients can collect in the tiny crevices of rings with settings, eventually turning rancid. While much of the collected food will come off when the hands are washed, a residue will remain. The only alternative would be to thoroughly clean the rings after preparing food. How many people want to make that an after meal activity? You have better things to do than clean your rings because you chose to cook with your rings on.

Apart from the accumulation of food particles on the rings, there is also the problem of losing a valuable stone or even a whole ring while engaged in food preparation. Just about everyone has seen a television show or comedy skit that featured a character who lost the diamond from the setting or perhaps a wedding band while making something for dinner. What makes those skits funny is that this sort of thing really does happen.

Instead of cooking with rings on, removing the rings before beginning to prepare food will ensure that you do not have to dig through the freshly baked bread in order to find a lost wedding band. Not only will choosing to not cook with your rings on mean preventing the loss of the stone or the ring, it also means no one will have to see the dentist after discovering your ring in the casserole or French rolls you so loving prepared.

The thing to remember is that if your hands are going to come in direct contact with the food during the cooking process, do not cook with your rings on. Choosing to cook with your rings on can lead to a lot of fear and worry once you find that something is wrong with the setting or that a whole ring has disappeared into thin air.