Should I get a Reclining Office Chair?

While a standard office task chair may offer a few basic comforts to its user, some people who spend many hours a day in front of a computer monitor are very tempted to upgrade to a reclining office chair. The advantages of a reclining chair are readily apparent, from a more user-friendly design to improved ergonomics while seated in a working position. The ability to recline and rest with complete lumbar support is also an appealing feature of a reclining office chair.

There are some things to consider before investing in a reclining office chair, however. Some companies have restrictions on the types of chairs employees may use while on the premises, whether or not the employee purchased the chair privately or requested it through official channels. Before investing in a reclining office chair for your workplace, make sure it would not be in violation of company policy or a breach of employee etiquette. Co-workers may not be as enthused about your upgraded chair as you are.

Another issue to consider before buying a reclining office chair is your personal work ethic. Some reclining chair users might benefit from the ability to take an occasional power nap or stretch, but others may be too easily tempted to fall asleep or spend less of their workday in a fully upright position. Computer work and other clerical duties can become mentally and physically draining after a few hours, so an occasional break can be very beneficial. If you find it too tempting to take an extended break in a reclining office chair, you may want to reconsider the switch.

A quality reclining office chair can be a substantial financial investment, so it is important to do some research and road testing at the office supply store before committing to a purchase. There should be several different opportunities to adjust the chair for maximum support in all positions. There may also be weight limitations to consider, since a broken reclining office chair is still just a broken chair. Check all the major hinge points for sturdy construction, and sit in the chair long enough to evaluate how it will perform after hours of use. Is there sufficient ventilation? Does it feel secure in both the upright and reclining positions?

Many office workers dream of finding the ideal work chair, and one that reclines certainly fits the bill. Just be sure you’re making the investment to improve your own productivity or posture while working, not just to have a long nap behind the closed doors of your office.