To How Many Colleges Should I Apply?

There are a variety of theories about how many colleges a student should apply to. Some say you should apply to at least ten schools, while others say you should only apply to six. Others argue that a student should apply to three colleges at the very least. Each recommendation is accompanied a rationale.

Those who advocate for applying to a large number of colleges argue that college acceptance rates are higher than in the past. According to this advice, students should apply to one or two “dream schools,” where acceptance is extremely unlikely, four to six “equally likely” schools, and two “fall-back schools,” where acceptance is guaranteed.

Applying to ten schools is fine if you have unlimited funds and time. Applying to so many colleges may be difficult for those with limited time and resources. To begin with, each college’s application fees range from $50 to $100 US dollars (USD). This could result in a total application fee of $1,000 USD.

Second, applying to each school takes about two to five hours on average, especially when several essays are required, which they usually are. This means that applying to colleges could take anywhere from 20 to 50 hours. For the overworked high school senior on the verge of graduation, this may not be a viable option.

Students should apply to six colleges, which is a 2-2-2 strategy, which may be a little easier for some. Students should apply to two “dream schools,” two schools where they have a 50-50 chance of being accepted, and two fallback colleges, according to this recommendation. This reduces the amount of money spent on application fees, with the maximum amount being 600 USD. It also saves time when it comes to filling out college applications.

The three-application method may be the best option for those who are truly in a financial bind. This entails submitting applications to one “dream school,” one college with a good chance of acceptance, and one fallback school. If none of these three options work, some people apply to a local community college.

Also keep in mind that if you are experiencing financial hardships but still want to apply to a school with a high application fee, many schools offer fee waivers to students in difficult situations, and some high schools may offer programs to assist with application fees. You should always apply to at least one or two colleges that you are certain you will be able to attend, and you should look for colleges that are less well-known because they often attract students offering better scholarships.

Some state schools also guarantee acceptance to students with good grades before they apply. You must still apply to these colleges and receive formal acceptance. Should other colleges be unable to accommodate you, these schools can serve as a backup plan.