What are Anti-Cellulite Shorts?

The term “anti-cellulite shorts” can refer to one of two things: shorts that are made from a friction-causing material or shorts that have been treated with some type of anti-cellulite product. In either case, there is very little scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of anti-cellulite shorts.

Cellulite may be caused by many different factors including puberty, a metabolic change, and even genetics. The exact reason why cellulite occurs is largely unknown, though women tend to have more cellulite than men do. While there are various products on the market that claim to treat cellulite, including anti-cellulite shorts, no product has been proven entirely effective. Still, anti-cellulite shorts are popular around the world for a variety of reasons.

Manufacturers of anti-cellulite shorts claim that the friction between short fabric and skin will reduce cellulite. Various manufacturers create shorts that are made from many unique fabrics, though most of these shorts are made from rough material. Anti-cellulite shorts are meant to be worn underneath clothing on a regular basis, though some designers make clothing that does not have to be worn underneath other clothing. Some manufacturers also create anti-cellulite pajamas that are meant to be worn at night.

Anti-cellulite shorts that have been treated with specific products also claim to reduce cellulite. Again, this claim is not supported by any type of scientific fact. In addition to anti-cellulite shorts, anti-cellulite pantyhose are also quite popular around the world. Pantyhose that claim to reduce cellulite do so by compressing the thigh area. As with shorts that claim to eliminate cellulite, anti-cellulite pantyhose have not been proven effective.

Since it is unclear as to why cellulite initially forms, it is difficult to pinpoint effective cellulite treatment. Some medical doctors believe that cellulite can only be eliminated through diet and exercise, while others believe that cellulite creams and ointments are effective. Seemingly, a combination of diet, exercise, and prescription creams is the best formula for ridding the body of cellulite.

Those who wish to try anti-cellulite clothing can purchase shorts, and other products, online or through specific retailers. Some popular clothing brands offer consumers a wide array of anti-cellulite products. Due to the fact that anti-cellulite clothing tends to be tighter than regular clothing, many people wear these items underneath regular clothes in order to gain a slimmer appearance. Cost-wise, anti-cellulite clothing tends to be more expensive than regular clothing, though this is not always the case.