What are Common Programming Interview Questions?

Common programming interview questions are designed to determine which programming languages the interviewee is familiar with, how much experience he or she has programming in those languages, what types of applications he or she has developed in those languages, and whether he or she has ever worked as part of a programming team and, if so, what role he or she played on the team. If the languages support object-oriented programming (OOP), the interviewer may inquire about the interviewee’s knowledge of the language. The model-view-controller (MVC) pattern and frameworks may be discussed in other programming interview questions.

Programming interview questions can differ depending on the programming language or languages that the potential employer requires, the types of applications that will need to be developed, and the company’s business operations. Many programming jobs in small businesses or organizations require the creation of internal applications only, while others require the creation of client-facing programs. Programmers who create software to meet the business needs of the company’s clients are likely to work under more stress than those who create applications for internal use only, so they may be asked about their ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.

Programming interview questions frequently result in a potential employer requesting to see the code of an actual application written the applicant. With the widespread use of laptop computers, the interviewer may even want to see a demonstration of the software, which is almost always possible. Programming interview questions about how knowledge was acquired, over what period of time, and whether there are any users of software written the applicant who can vouch for its usefulness will almost certainly be prompted applications indicating that the applicant is a self-taught programmer. Applicants who are not experienced with object-oriented programming but are proficient with procedural coding may be asked if they are familiar with the concepts of OOP or if they consider themselves to be quick learners.

Most programming interview questions involving the use of frameworks will almost always delve into the details of the company’s preferred framework. Because a large number of C and C++ developers code software exclusively for one operating system, programming interview questions for a C or C++ developer may include questions about his or her ability to write programs for specific operating systems. Applicants for web programming positions should be prepared to answer questions that software developer applicants may not be asked, such as questions about adhering to web standards.