What are Egg Beaters?

The egg beater has been a common kitchen utensil for many years. As a hand tool that is equipped with two rotary beaters that work in conjunction to blend eggs and other substances into a smooth textured liquid, egg beaters can be used to prepare all sorts of batter.

Hand egg beaters are usually constructed of aluminum or stainless steel. The structure of this device includes an open handle that is easy to thread through the fingers and grip, so there is solid control during use. A crank is included on the side of the design of the hand beater, allowing the user to turn the two rotary beaters at the bottom end of the utensil at whatever speed is desired. The device is built as one solid component, with no pieces that are detachable. This means than cleaning is accomplished by hand washing the entire unit, or by placing the utensil into a dishwasher.

Rotary egg beaters are most commonly used for preparing batter. In the case of making a cake, they can be used to mix flour, sugar, eggs, oil, and flavoring into a tasty batter for the layers of the cake. They also are a great way to blend cake mix with eggs and any other ingredients that are necessary. As the beaters are moved around the ingredients, the rotary beaters are operated using the crank on the side of the device, blending the components until the batter is smooth.

Egg beaters can also be used to create meringue as well. Placing egg whites in a bowl along with some sugar, the mixture can be beaten until mountains of creamy white meringue are created. The meringue will have a smooth and creamy texture, making it ideal for baking flavored meringues or as a topping for pies.

Using this utensil to create sauces and to smooth lumps in gravy is also common. Placing the sauce or gravy into a mixing bowl, then using the beaters to work through any lumps will yield a smooth substance that can easily be used to top entrees. The smooth substance can also be served on the side as a condiment with mashed potatoes or as a garnish to various types of vegetables.

Of course, egg beaters can also be used in the preparation of egg dishes. From scrambled eggs to preparing the egg mixture to use in a breakfast casserole, these tools accomplish the job in less time than it takes to set up an electric mixer, and will require no more cleanup or care.