What are Fig Bars?

Fig bars are a delectable baked treat enjoyed people of all ages. They are moist, chewy bars made with a filling of fig puree that is encased in a soft cookie-like crust. These bars have gained immense popularity due to their unique and satisfying flavor. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the fascinating world of fig bars, delving into their history, nutritional value, various types, and some interesting facts. So, grab a cup of tea or coffee and prepare to embark on a scrumptious journey through the realm of fig bars.

History of Fig Bars

The history of fig bars can be traced back to ancient times when figs were first cultivated in the Middle East and Mediterranean regions. These delicious fruits were highly valued for their rich taste, nutritional benefits, and ability to be preserved. Figs were cultivated ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, who recognized their importance as a staple food source.

The concept of fig bars as we know them today can be credited to a young boy named Charles Roser. In the late 19th century, Roser, a Pennsylvania baker, developed a recipe for a cookie-like crust with a fig puree filling. He filled his creation with fig paste, which was a popular ingredient during that time. Roser eventually sold his recipe to George Bent, a prominent fig plantation owner in California.

In 1892, Bent established the first commercially successful fig bar bakery in California, known as the National Biscuit Company (Nabisco). The fig bars produced here gained immense popularity and were marketed under the brand name “Fig Newtons.

” The name was inspired the town of Newton, Massachusetts, which was a popular place for vacationers at that time. This iconic brand became synonymous with fig bars and is still widely recognized today.

Nutritional Value of Fig Bars

Fig bars are not only a delicious treat but also offer several nutritional benefits. Figs themselves are a rich source of dietary fiber, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a healthy addition to any diet. The soft, cookie-like crust of fig bars is usually made from whole wheat flour or oat flour, which adds to their nutritional value.

One serving (approximately two fig bars) of a typical fig bar brand provides around 240 calories. They contain about 6 grams of fat, predominantly unsaturated fats, which are considered heart-healthy. Fig bars are also a good source of complex carbohydrates, with around 40 grams per serving. These carbohydrates provide a steady release of energy and make fig bars a great snack option for active individuals.

Figs themselves are known for their high fiber content. One serving of fig bars generally contains around 4 grams of dietary fiber. Fiber plays a crucial role in regulating digestion, preventing constipation, and maintaining a healthy gut. Additionally, figs contain natural sugars, providing a quick source of energy to keep you going throughout the day.

Furthermore, figs are rich in essential minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron. These minerals contribute to various bodily functions, including maintaining blood pressure, promoting bone health, and supporting muscle function. Figs also contain antioxidants, such as polyphenols, which help fight against free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.

Types of Fig Bars

Fig bars come in a variety of flavors and variations, offering options to suit diverse taste preferences. While the classic fig bars are known for their fig puree filling, some brands have expanded their range to include different fruit fillings and flavor combinations. Popular variations of fig bars include:

1. Classic Fig Bars:

These bars feature a soft, cookie-like crust with a generous filling of fig puree. They are the epitome of the original fig bar recipe and remain a favorite choice for many fig bar enthusiasts.

2. Fig and Apple Bars:

In this tantalizing combination, apple puree is mixed with fig puree to create a unique flavor experience. The blending of these two fruits adds a delightful tanginess to the bars.

3. Fig and Raspberry Bars:

These bars combine the sweetness of figs with the tartness of raspberries. The vibrant red filling provides a visually appealing contrast to the golden crust.

4. Fig and Blueberry Bars:

Blueberries are known for their antioxidant properties and distinct flavor. When paired with figs, they create a harmonious blend of sweet and slightly tangy notes.

5. Fig and Lemon Bars:

Lemon adds a refreshing twist to the traditional fig bars. The zesty flavor of lemon complements the sweetness of figs, resulting in a delightful burst of taste.

6. Gluten-Free Fig Bars:

With the increasing demand for gluten-free options, many brands now offer fig bar varieties made with alternative flours such as almond flour or rice flour. These bars cater to individuals with gluten intolerances or those following a gluten-free diet.

Interesting Facts About Fig Bars

As you indulge in the scrumptiousness of fig bars, here are some intriguing facts that add to their allure:

1. Fig Newtons are one of the oldest packaged cookie brands in the United States, first introduced in 1891.

2. The name “Fig Newtons” was inspired the town of Newton, Massachusetts, and has no direct connection to Sir Isaac Newton.

3. In 2012, Nabisco renamed Fig Newtons as “Nabisco Fig Bars,” dropping the iconic name that had been used for over a century.

4. Fig bars gained popularity as a convenient snack for soldiers during World War II due to their long shelf life and nutritional value.

5. Figs are considered one of the oldest fruits to be cultivated humans, with evidence of fig consumption dating back to around 9400-9200 BC.

6. The fig tree is mentioned in several ancient texts, including the Bible, where it symbolizes fertility, abundance, and peace.

7. Fig bars have a dedicated fan base, and enthusiasts celebrate “National Fig Newton Day” on January 16th each year.

Fig bars are a delightful treat that combines the lusciousness of figs with a soft, cookie-like crust. These bars have a rich history rooted in ancient civilizations and have evolved over time to offer various flavors and variations. Not only do fig bars please our taste buds, but they also provide nutritional benefits due to their high fiber and mineral content. So, the next time you crave a tasty and wholesome snack, reach for a delicious fig bar and enjoy the perfect balance of flavor and nutrition.