What are Fingerplay Songs?

Children’s songs that are designed to be accompanied by hand movements that relate to the content are known as fingerplay songs. They are used to both entertain and educate children. The music and lyrics of the fingerplay songs, as well as the fun of learning the movements, can be enjoyed by children. While focusing on the story, they can learn hand-eye coordination, manual dexterity, rhythm, following directions, sequence, and memory.

Songs for Fingerplay that Tell a Story

Stories can be told through fingerplay songs. “The Eensy-Weensy Spider” (also known as “Itsy Bitsy Spider”), “I Had a Little Turtle,” “This Little Piggy,” and “Where Is Thumbkin?” are probably some of the most popular fingerplay songs in the United States. A day in the life of a spider and a turtle, a family of pigs’ adventures, and a group of friends playing hide-and-seek are all told in these fingerplay songs.

Fingerplay Counting and Everyday Things Songs

Other fingerplay songs simply repeat basic life facts without telling a story. This type of fingerplay song includes songs like “The Wheels on the Bus,” “Here are Grandma’s Spectacles,” “Open, Shut Them,” “If You’re Happy and You Know It,” and “I’m a Little Teapot.” Another set of fingerplay songs focuses on counting, which aids in the learning of numbers by children. “This Old Man,” “There Were Ten in the Bed,” and “Five Little Chickadees” are among the songs in this collection.

Fingerplay Songs Have a Higher Value

Fingerplays are also useful for long car trips because they take up little space, require no equipment, and can even be performed in the dark.