What are Malted Milk Balls?

Malted milk balls, also known as malt balls, are a classic confectionery treat that has been enjoyed people of all ages for many decades. These delectable treats consist of a malted milk center surrounded a smooth, chocolatey coating. They have a unique flavor and texture that sets them apart from other candies, making them a beloved choice among candy enthusiasts.

Malted milk balls are made combining malted milk powder with other ingredients such as sugar, corn syrup, and cocoa powder to create a dough-like mixture. This mixture is then rolled into small balls and coated with chocolate.

The History of Malted Milk Balls

The history of malted milk balls can be traced back to the late 1800s when a pharmacist named William Horlick invented malted milk. He developed this nutritious beverage as a supplement for infants and people with digestive issues. Malted milk became popular and was eventually used as an ingredient in the creation of malted milk balls.

In 1936, the Whopper, one of the most well-known brands of malted milk balls, was introduced the Overland Candy Company. The company’s founder, Leo Hirschfeld, wanted to create a candy that would allow people to enjoy the flavor of malted milk in a convenient and portable form. The Whopper quickly gained popularity and remains a popular brand of malted milk balls to this day.

The Taste and Texture

Malted milk balls have a distinct taste and texture that is both creamy and crunchy. The center of the malt ball is made from malted milk powder, which provides a rich, toasty flavor that is reminiscent of toasted grains. This flavor is complemented the sweet and creamy chocolate coating, creating a perfect balance of flavors.

The texture of malted milk balls is another characteristic that sets them apart from other candies. The malted milk center has a light and airy texture, similar to that of a malted milkshake. The chocolate coating adds a smooth and velvety texture, providing a satisfying crunch when you bite into the candy.

Varieties of Malted Milk Balls

While the traditional malted milk ball consists of a malted milk center coated in chocolate, there are also various variations and flavors available to cater to different tastes. Some popular variations include:

1. Dark Chocolate Malted Milk Balls:

These malted milk balls are coated in a rich and intense dark chocolate, providing a slightly more sophisticated flavor profile.

2. Peanut Butter Malted Milk Balls:

For those who love the combination of chocolate and peanut butter, this variation is a must-try. The malted milk center is infused with peanut butter, adding a creamy and nutty element to the candy.

3. Mint Chocolate Malted Milk Balls:

Mint lovers rejoice! This variation features a mint-infused malted milk center coated in smooth chocolate, creating a refreshing and indulgent taste experience.

4. White Chocolate Malted Milk Balls:

If you prefer a sweeter and creamier chocolate, white chocolate malted milk balls are the perfect choice. The white chocolate coating adds a touch of elegance to the candy.

Uses of Malted Milk Balls

Malted milk balls are not just enjoyed on their own as a sweet treat. They can also be used in various ways to enhance other desserts and snacks. Here are a few ideas on how malted milk balls can be incorporated into your culinary creations:

1. Ice Cream Topping:

Crushed malted milk balls make a wonderful topping for ice cream, adding a delightful crunch and flavor. Simply sprinkle them over your favorite ice cream flavors for an extra special treat.

2. Baking Ingredient:

Malted milk balls can be crushed or chopped and used as an ingredient in baked goods such as cookies, brownies, or cakes. Their unique flavor and texture can elevate the taste and add a touch of nostalgia to your homemade treats.

3. Milkshake Add-In:

If you want to take your milkshake to the next level, add some crushed malted milk balls to the mix. The combination of the creamy milkshake base and the crunchy malt balls creates a delectable texture and flavor.

Where to Find Malted Milk Balls

Malted milk balls can be found in various places, including candy stores, supermarkets, and online retailers. They are often sold in individual packages or in bulk, allowing you to choose the quantity that suits your needs. Many brands also offer different packaging sizes, making it easy to find the perfect amount of malted milk balls for any occasion.

It is worth noting that different brands may have slight variations in flavor and texture, so it can be fun to explore different options and discover your favorite brand of malted milk balls.

Malted milk balls are a beloved confectionery treat that has stood the test of time. With their unique combination of creamy, toasted malted milk centers and smooth chocolate coatings, these candies provide a delightful taste and texture experience. Whether enjoyed on their own or incorporated into various culinary creations, malted milk balls are sure to satisfy any sweet tooth. So next time you’re in the mood for a nostalgic treat, reach for a bag of malted milk balls and indulge in their irresistible goodness.