What are Salmon Oil Supplements?

Salmon oil supplements are nutritional capsules that contain salmon oil. There are a number of health issues that are purportedly helped with the use of these supplements, including the regulation of cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. Once difficult to find in many retail outlets, it is now possible to purchase salmon oil dietary supplements in supermarkets, drugstores, health food shops, and even discount retail stores.

The presence of Omega-3 fatty acids in salmon oil supplements is highly concentrated and said to have a profound effect on lowering bad cholesterol in the system. When utilized in conjunction with a sensible diet and a regular exercise regimen, proponents of the use of salmon oil claim that the supplements can be as effective as prescription medication for cholesterol problems. Along with having a positive impact on bad cholesterol levels, the supplements are also said to help increase good cholesterol levels and also promote healthier levels of triglycerides.

Over the years, other claims of the health benefits of salmon oil supplements have gained attention. Some have claimed that taking the supplements each day can help protect eyesight, as well as reducing the possibility of a heart attack. There are those that claim supplementation with salmon oil can also help reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. While there is some evidence of a few benefits to consuming salmon and thus a certain quantity of the oil, some of the claims for the healing properties of the product have yet to be tested in a controlled environment. This includes claims that the product can help reduce the pain and inflammation that accompanies arthritis and other disorders that make movement difficult and uncomfortable, or may help reduce the incidence of breast cancer in women.

At present, there is no consensus on how beneficial salmon oil supplements are in treating various types of diseases, or even if salmon oil is inherently superior to other fish oil products. Research into the potential health benefits of the oil is ongoing. In the interim, a number of people support the use of these supplements, based on their own experiences with regular use of the oil.

Before beginning any regimen that involves the use of salmon oil supplements, it is important to speak with your physician. This is particularly true if you are already taking some type of prescription medication for health issues such as high cholesterol or high triglycerides. While the potential of salmon oil supplementation to have a negative interaction with prescription medicines is somewhat low, taking the time to discuss your options with your doctor will minimize any chances of causing additional health issues.