What are Slimming Patches?

Slimming patches are weight-loss aids that are self-adhesive and worn on the skin during the day and removed at night. The patches are infused with ingredients that are purported to support quick and effective weight loss without the unpleasant side effects associated with other types of stimulant-based slimming aids. Available without a prescription, slimming patches typically contain all-natural ingredients, such as herbs or seaweed. Although manufacturers of slimming patches claim that their product enables users to lose weight without effort, they advocate drinking eight glasses of water per day and following a sensible diet plan in conjunction with using the patches. Generally, a slimming workout is also recommended to enhance the results obtained while using these products.

Like other herbal slimming products, the goal of slimming patches is to naturally suppress or decrease the user’s appetite. With a reduced appetite, it may be easier to consume fewer calories. This should result in weight loss, particularly if physical activity is increased. Critics have countered that results may be due to increased water consumption and reduced caloric intake rather than from the slimming patches themselves.

Slimming patches work on the same principle as other transdermal patches on the market. Similar to nicotine patches and birth control patches, slimming patches deliver a time-released stream of active ingredients through the skin into the bloodstream. The ingredients are infused into the adhesive of the patch. Any transdermal patch should typically be applied to clean, dry, and unbroken skin.

Ingredients in slimming patches can vary depending on the manufacturer of the product. One common ingredient is seaweed, which is supposed to increase energy, decrease the appetite, and stimulate metabolism. Studies have shown that wakame, or brown seaweed, may promote weight loss in laboratory animals. According to a Japanese study, wakame contains a pigment called fucoxanthin that increases production of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) — an omega-3 fatty acid. In turn, DHA may lower the level of bad cholesterol that is known to contribute to obesity.

Bladder wrack is another type of seaweed commonly found in some weight loss patches. It contains iodine, which is an important nutrient in supporting healthy thyroid gland function. To boost energy and increase the metabolism, some products may contain guarana, which is a popular ingredient in energy drinks due to its high levels of caffeine. Other potential ingredients included for their role in fat-burning and metabolism are zinc citrate, L-carnitine, lecithin, and zinc pyruvate.