What are Some Bilberry Benefits?

Also known as vaccinium spp., bilberry is an herb that is often utilized as a means of providing nourishment for the eyes, immune system, and the kidneys. There are a number of different ways to consume the herb, including bilberry capsules, bilberry extract, and bilberry tea. As with most herbs, the degree of bilberry benefits that are achieved will vary from one person to the next.

One of the more common bilberry benefits is associated with the strengthening of various eye functions. There are claims that regular consumption of the herb as a dietary supplement can help to improve night vision. Some herbal practitioners believe that the herb helps to rebuild purple pigments in the retinas, which in turn makes it possible to not only improve the ability to see clearly in sparse amounts of light, but also to ease some of the discomfort associated with light sensitivity. The presence of a significant amount of manganese also makes it possible for the herb to strengthen overall vision quality, possibly makes the eyes less susceptible to eyestrain and various diseases that impair vision over time.

Along with nourishing the eyes, bilberry benefits also extend to the immune system in general. Thanks to the presence of significant amounts of zinc, phosphorus, iron, and manganese, the herb provides some of the most important nutrients required to keep the body’s immunity at a high level. There are also moderate amounts of potassium and selenium that help the immune system deal with stress more effectively, which indirectly allows bilberry benefits to extend to keeping the nervous system in balance.

There are also claims that bilberry benefits include the healthy maintenance of the kidneys. Bilberry tea is sometimes cited as effective in promoting efficient function of the kidneys, which in turn helps the body to rid itself of toxins, while also preventing a buildup of those toxins in the kidneys themselves. There is also some anecdotal evidence that moderate but regular consumption of bilberry will aid in recovery from various types of kidney ailments.

As with any herbal treatment, it is important to utilize bilberry under the care of a physician. This is especially crucial if the herb is being used in conjunction with some type of prescription medication. In some cases, the herb may limit the effectiveness of the medication, or vice versa, leading to a situation in which the bilberry benefits achieved are lessened or possibly eliminated altogether.