What are Some Good Holiday Presents for Pets?

There are numerous great choices when it comes to holiday presents for pets and their owners. If you are purchasing gifts for your own pets, you can pick up a wide range of supplies, treats, toys, and equipment, or you might want to consider arranging a vacation with a pet like a dog or a horse. Pet owners also appreciate a range of things from gift certificates to dog walking services to donations to animal charities in their names. Numerous stores cater to animals, making it very easy for you to pick up holiday presents for pets.

Many cultures have a tradition of celebrations in winter including holidays like Diwali, Los Posadas, Pongal, Soyal, Dong Zhi, Sadeh, and Burns Night; when you pick out holiday presents for pets, you might want to take the cultural heritage of the animals and their owners into account. If the pets are Jewish, remember that Hanukkah has eight days, so you might want to pace yourself when selecting gifts for them. A small treat or toy on each night of Hanukkah is a good idea; you can also choose one night for a big present like a new bed. Pets who celebrate Kwanzaa may appreciate gifts with an African theme, while Pagan pets may enjoy gifts on the Winter Solstice.

For your own pets, gifts like special toys, unique treats, and new beds, litter boxes, scratching posts, or collars can be great presents. If you purchase toys for your pets, make sure that they are suitable for your animals; avoid getting small toys which your pets could swallow, and look for hanging tags and poorly sewn seams. Treats can be found at most pet stores, and you can also make your own; if you have a lot of dog owning friends, for example, you might want to make a big batch of dog biscuits so that you will have ample holiday presents for pets around the neighborhood.

You can also get more practical supplies for your pets such as first aid kits or cleaning agents to help you do laundry and handle accidents. If you’ve been thinking about microchipping your pets, the holidays might be a good time to make an appointment. Caged pets might appreciate a new cage or a change of scenery in and around their cages.

Pet owners always appreciate presents for their pets, although you may want to check to see if certain toys and treats are OK. Some pets have special nutritional needs which might be unbalanced by well meaning treats, and some pet owners might have an aversion to particular toys like noisy dog toys or toys made from artificial materials. You might also want to consider pet gear such as carriers, collars, and panniers for working dogs.

When you wrap holiday presents for pets, remember to use animal-safe wrappers like unbleached paper, and avoid using ribbons, bands, twine, and other materials which might pose a choking hazard.