What are Some Healthy Halloween Treats?

Too often, Halloween means loads of cavity-creating candy and trips to the dentist later. However, there are some healthy Halloween treats that taste good but don’t have hefty fat and sugar content. If you’re greeting Halloween trick-or-treaters, you might try giving things like prepackaged pretzels and popcorn. These snacks are far healthier than candy and sugary treats, and many manufacturers package them in orange and black, with spooky decorations on the bags in recognition of the holiday.

You might also try giving out fruit as healthy Halloween treats. However, keep in mind that some parents are leery of allowing their children to consume trick-or-treat snacks that are not manufacturer sealed. Raisins, packages of hot chocolate, juice boxes, and prepackaged cheese and crackers are also good ideas. Individual packages of pumpkin seeds and peanuts also fit the bill as tasty and healthy Halloween treats.

Sugar-free candy and sugar-free gum can be healthy Halloween treats. There are some varieties that taste just as good as the sugar-filled alternatives. As an added bonus, chewing sugar-free gum actually helps to prevent tooth decay. When you’re brainstorming ideas for healthy Halloween treats, don’t overlook things like popcorn balls, granola bars, and even cereal bars. These snacks do have sugar in them, but they also provide a bit of nutrition to balance it out. You could even give out trail mix in Halloween-themed mini-bags.

If you’re having a Halloween party or distributing snacks to kids you know well, you might try baking up a batch of homemade soft pretzels, manipulated into skeleton, broomstick or pumpkin shapes. You can even twist pretzels to look like cats or individual bones.

For a fun, tasty treat for a Halloween gathering, you might do well with caramel apples. You can make your own caramel coating at home or buy one of the caramel apple kits available at your local grocery store. Allow the kids (big and little) to help you make the apple treats, and then provide them with mini marshmallows, raisins, carrots, assorted nuts, shredded coconut, and other tasty add-ons. They can use these add-ons to create scary (or cute) Halloween faces on the caramel apples.

It’s also a good idea to think about what you can serve to wash down all those healthy Halloween treats; water is always a good idea, but party guests usually want something a bit tastier. Instead of serving dye- and sugar-filled punch or soda, consider offering hot apple cider. Simmer apple cider in a pot on your stove for about 30 minutes. Add in 1 to 2 teaspoons (4.92 to 9.85 milliliters) of cinnamon to taste as well as a pinch of cloves. This tastes good and offers a healthy dose of antioxidants.