What are Some Small Trees I can Pot and Bring Indoors?

There are many small trees that grow well in pots indoors. Most of these are tropical varieties that would grow quite large outdoors in their natural habitats. Some trees are easy to grow indoors, while other require very specific conditions of light and humidity. Indoor trees can provide a decorative focal point for a room, and are effective for softening a stark or institutional environment.

Before choosing small trees to grow indoors, think about where you want to put them. How much light will each tree receive? How much space you have for them? What are the typical temperature and humidity conditions of the room? How much time do you want to devote to caring for small trees? By answering these questions, you will be able to choose small trees that will thrive in the space you have for them, and that suit your needs.

Ficus trees are popular small trees because they are easy to grow, hardy and require medium light. There are several varieties of ficus that can grow well indoors. The Fiddle-leaf fig—named for the shape of its large leaves is a popular indoor tree that can grow quite tall, if permitted. The Benjamin ficus is another popular choice. This tree has a traditional tree shape and thick, shiny green leaves that are about three to four inches long. This tree is prone to dropping its leaves which does not hurt the tree, but it can make a mess and result in a leggy appearance.

Dracenas are good options for a small indoor tree. These trees have long spiky leaves atop a thin, often curving trunk. Different varieties of dracenas have different colored foliage, and the curved trunk varieties are very statuesque. Dracenas are very easy to grow, tough plants that require very little attention and tolerate a variety of light conditions.

Another small tree that does well indoors is the Norfolk Island Pine, which is not really a pine, but in the Araucaria family. This is a coniferous evergreen tree with needled branches radiating out symmetrically from a center trunk. These trees make excellent living Christmas trees. They need medium to bright natural light to thrive and do best in a cooler environment, around 65 degrees Fahrenheit, with cooler nights. If placed near a window, the tree should be turned periodically to maintain symmetry.

Some varieties of citrus trees, palms and coffee trees can be grown successfully indoors. These trees are much trickier than the others, however, and are fussier about their growing conditions and require more maintenance and care. While most people will be able to keep these trees alive indoors, keeping them looking robust and healthy depends on providing the right conditions of light, humidity and temperature.