What are Some Uses for Petroleum Jelly?

Numerous uses for petroleum jelly have been discovered over the years making it one of the most accommodating items in the supermarket. Petroleum jelly is widely known for its cosmetic uses. It acts as a moisturizer for the skin, keeping the skin soft and clean. It contains no chemicals or perfumes, making it a great alternative for someone with sensitive skin.

Petroleum jelly can be applied as needed for dry, chapped lips. Rubbing it generously on rough feet within minutes of exiting the shower not only keeps the skin’s moisture from evaporating, but it also softens calluses. It becomes a protective barrier when placed over cuts and scrapes, repelling moisture and bacteria from entering the injured area and causing an infection.

Make-up can be removed by rubbing petroleum jelly onto the face and wiping it off. It is good for taming wild, crazy eyebrows and removes leftover glue from fake eyelashes. It masks dry, split ends on hair by giving it a shiny, soft look. Petroleum jelly eliminates razor burn by applying it directly to the skin after shaving. Mixing sea salt with petroleum jelly creates a nice exfoliating bath scrub.

Gum can be removed from a person’s hair by rubbing petroleum jelly on the gum until it works loose. Head lice can be smothered and killed when a thick layer is placed on the person’s scalp. A layer of petroleum jelly can be placed along the hairline and on the ears to avoid staining the skin when a person is dyeing their hair.

Babies even appreciate the different uses for petroleum jelly. Covering a diaper rash with petroleum jelly creates a protective barrier on the baby’s skin, keeping moisture out and allowing the rash to heal. Placing a thin line on the baby’s eyebrows during bath time will also keep the shampoo from getting into their eyes and causing them to burn.

Several uses for petroleum jelly around the house make having it on hand essential. Placing petroleum jelly on the hinge of a door will keep it from squeaking without the messy dripping caused by using oils. Rubbing the jelly on drawer runners will prevent them from sticking and allow the drawer to slide open and closed more freely.
A small layer of petroleum jelly on candlesticks before placing them in candle holders will avoid any sticking and allow any wax that has dripped to be wiped off easily. It can work loose any rings that may be stuck on a person’s hand. Rubbing petroleum jelly into shoes and purses repels water and keeps them shiny.

Liberally applying a coat of petroleum jelly to a baseball mitt will soften the leather. It will restore leather on other surfaces such as furniture when applied and gently wiped off with a dry, soft cloth. Gum can be removed from furniture with petroleum jelly. The petroleum jelly will eventually start to disintegrate the gum, making it easy to clean up.

More uses for petroleum jelly can be found outside the home and on hardware. It prevents rust when rubbed on nuts and bolts. Jar lids and the caps on tubes, such as super glue, can be kept from sticking by placing petroleum jelly around the rim before being closed. An airtight seal on a paint can is possible when rubbing petroleum jelly on the inside edge of the can.

Petroleum jelly on the rim of a garbage can lid prevents the lid from freezing to the can during cold weather. Frozen locks can also be prevented by coating a key with petroleum jelly, inserting the key into the lock and moving the key back and forth a few times. Repeating this a few times will lubricate the tumblers and keep the lock from freezing.

Thinly coating light bulb threads will prevent them from sticking when they are replaced. Lubricating cylinders on the wheels of roller blades, roller skates or skateboards will cause the wheels to spin faster. Petroleum jelly stops corrosion on car batteries when placed on the battery terminals. It keeps rust off the chrome on bikes and other items that are stored in a garage for periods of time.
There are also a few uncommon uses for petroleum jelly. Rubbing petroleum jelly into a pet’s paws when they are sore is very soothing. Placing a thin layer of the jelly around the rim of a pet’s bowl will keep ants out of their food. Petroleum jelly can be used as a fish lure by placing it on small pieces of sponge. This will stimulate the fish egg bait.
Aside from all the various uses for petroleum jelly, it is extremely convenient to find. It can be found in a variety of sizes in any supermarket and is inexpensive to buy.