What are Stick Built Homes?

Stick built homes are those homes that are built using a more traditional method of home building rather than a modular type. The term stick built may be somewhat of a misnomer, simply because they are not sticks being used but wood boards, at least most of the time. The name may lead some to believe the homes are not well constructed or sturdy, but this could not be further from the truth. The “sticks” mentioned usually refer specifically to the superstructure of the walls and roof.

The “stick built” concept is not a new one, and in fact, most homes that have been built over the years have been built using similar construction techniques. These homes are actually one of the most sought-after types of houses on the real estate market. Unlike manufactured housing, the structures tend to hold up well to severe weather events, especially tornadoes and hurricanes. Still, nearly any type of house can succumb to very severe weather. Most people regard these houses to be more dependable and sturdier than modular homes, although the modular home industry may debate this and make points to the contrary.

Most stick built homes have many of the same things in common. They are usually built with lumber, though it is possible to use metal poles for the construction as well. This is more expensive, more time-consuming, and generally harder for the homeowner to deal with once constructed. These homes also have many of the common features associated with most homes, such as shingles and drywall.

Such homes can come in many different styles, including ranch and multiple story models. While modular homes may also come in multistory models, the choices are usually very limited. In most cases, modular homes will only come in a single story model, though it may be possible to put them over a basement or partial basement as well. Therefore, those who are looking for greater variety may find themselves limited to considering stick built homes. Homes of this type are also more likely to be able to be customized.

Some of the disadvantages of this type of house include the construction process and the cost. The fact that the homes are built out in the elements, where weather could delay construction, could add to the unpredictability of the building process. For this, and other reasons, stick built homes may cost somewhat more than comparable modular ones.