What Are the Benefits of a Collagen Facial?

A collagen facial helps keeps the skin of the face taut and supple, improving its elasticity and resilience and damage. This effectively decreases the wrinkles on the face, as well as eliminates subtler signs of aging. Collagen is also excellent at water retention and can help moisturize the skin. Combined with a cleansing and exfoliating regimen, regular collagen facial treatments have been found to retard skin’s aging process, effectively making individuals look younger and more vibrant.

Collagen is the most common group of proteins in the human body, making up the majority of a person’s connective tissue. One of its purposes is to keep skin elastic, making it appear tighter and fuller. As people grow older, the collagen naturally present in their skin begins to break down, forming fine lines and wrinkles. Although skin cells continue to produce collagen even in a person’s later years, the rate of the replenishment process usually cannot match the rate at which collagen breaks down. A collagen facial helps supplement replenishment through topical application of collagen.

The skin does not normally permit large molecules like collagen to penetrate its surface, however, rendering direct application of the compound ineffective. A collagen facial often contains additional ingredients that increase epidermal permeability, allowing collagen to be absorbed into the dermis and rejuvenate skin. Skin moisturizers are mixed into most collagen facial formulations to improve the treatment’s effect. Other formulations might also contain compounds that stimulate the skin’s collagen production for maximum effectiveness.

When the skin’s collagen supply is replenished, it is believed to combine with the existing connective tissue to improve the skin’s elasticity and stretches out areas in which collagen has broken down. This helps to smooth out wrinkles and other fine lines on the skin, particularly on the forehead and lower eyelids. Since the skin becomes fuller, it promotes the natural contour of the face and reduces sagging.

Some skin care experts are uncertain, however, whether or not transdermal application of collagen is an effective means of restoring skin collagen. Other methods, such as direct collagen injections, are believed to have better results. In addition, some dermatologists advise against using collagen facial treatments without first testing for possible allergic reactions, as some individuals might develop rashes and other skin discomforts when exposed to the different compounds contained in a facial. Despite these concerns, numerous users attest to the effectiveness of collagen facials as a treatment to reduce signs of aging.