What Are the Benefits of Makeup with Sunscreen?

Incorporating additional sunscreen to a beauty and skincare routine, such as wearing makeup with sunscreen, can help boost protection against the deadly effects of sun exposure like skin cancer. Too, cosmetics with sunscreen can help prevent age spots and provide wrinkle prevention. The downfall to makeup with sunscreen is that usually it doesn’t provide enough sun protection factor (SPF) for people to use it as an independent sunscreen. Many doctors still advise wearing additional and separate sunscreen for total sun protection. People can find additional sun protection in separate sunscreen products or face moisturizers and lotions with built-in sunscreen.

Skin cancer is the most dangerous health problem sun exposure can cause. This is because, unlike some of the other skin ailments sun exposure leads to, skin cancer can be fatal. Therefore, perhaps the most obvious benefit to makeup with sunscreen is the convenient sun protection it provides. Cosmetics with built-in sunscreen defense automatically provide some sun protection. Typically, this protection is in addition to some other form of sunscreen.

Wearing a makeup with sunscreen can help prevent other kinds of skin problems, too. For example, sun exposure is known to lead to the development of wrinkles, especially premature wrinkles, as well as age spots. Keeping the face covered with a sun protection product can not only help protect against skin cancer, but also help with wrinkle and age spot prevention, too.

Generally, people shouldn’t rely entirely on makeup with sunscreen for complete sun protection. Most cosmetics with sunscreen listed in the ingredients don’t provide a high enough SPF for the makeup to fully protect the person’s skin from UVA and UVB rays. Still, some people find using a separate sunscreen under or above their makeup is messy and inconvenient.

Fortunately, many skin care and cosmetics companies specialize in face lotions and moisturizers that include higher concentrations of SPF. Since many people already wear some sort of lotion or moisturizing cream under their makeup, choosing one with sun protection isn’t a drastic step away from their beauty routines. Too, using a lotion or moisturizer with sunscreen can be more beneficial than using an independent sunscreen with a separate lotion or moisturizer. Usually, this is the case when a person applies a separate lotion or moisturizer to the skin before applying the sunscreen. Often, the separate lotion or moisturizer acts as a barrier between the skin and the sunscreen, making it difficult or impossible for the sunscreen to penetrate and cover the skin.