What Are the Benefits of Mineral Oil for Hair?

Mineral oil is a colorless oil, often made from liquid petroleum, that is commonly included in skin and haircare products. While mineral oil is sometimes said to be inferior to plant-based oils, there are several benefits of using mineral oil for hair. Like many types of hair oil, mineral oil will lock in moisture, prevent frizz, and add shine to the hair. What sets mineral oil apart is its affordable price and light, non-greasy texture. Mineral oil will define curls and improve the appearance of hair without leaving behind an oily film.

One of the greatest benefits of using mineral oil for hair is its ability to hold in moisture. When mineral oil is applied to the hair, it creates a barrier over the cuticles. This prevents moisture from escaping and keeps the hair hydrated. It also prevents additional moisture from penetrating the hair strand. Hair oil should be applied to damp or well-hydrated hair to prevent dryness.

Since mineral oil prevents moisture from penetrating the strands, it also prevents frizz. Frizz occurs when moisture penetrates the hair’s cortex and causes it to swell. This often results in a coarse, unhealthy appearance. Using mineral oil on hair creates a barrier that protects against frizz and reflects light. Instead of appearing dry and dull, the hair should appear healthy and shiny.

Aside from its ability to prevent frizz, a common reason for choosing mineral hair oil is its low price. Mineral oil is affordable and widely available in food and beauty supply stores. Since mineral oil provides many of the same benefits as plant-based oils, many consumers find this oil to be a greater value.

Another unique benefit of mineral hair oil is its texture. Mineral oil is a light, non-greasy substance. Using mineral oil for hair should not weigh the hair down or make the strands appear oily, though this depends on how the oil is used. People who lather their hair in mineral oil will probably find that their hair looks oily or dirty. Like many other hair products, mineral oil should be used sparingly.

The last benefit of using mineral oil for hair is its ability to define curls. People who have wild, undefined texture can apply mineral oil to separate ringlets. Mineral oil will hold the curls together and make them appear smoother. When used on straight hair, mineral oil will also enhance the hair’s sleek texture by decreasing frizz and increasing shine.