What Are the Benefits of Naturopathy for Weight Loss?

Naturopathy for weight loss offers the benefits of restoring chemical and hormonal balance in the body, alleviating depression, and improving overall health through nutrition and exercises that connect the mind and body. Many obese people turn to naturopathy for the benefit of losing weight without the risk of surgery or the potentially dangerous chemicals in diet pills. Another benefit of naturopathy for weight loss is that a physician, typically an endocrinologist, creates a personalized weight loss plan to address the specific needs of each patient. A final benefit that losing weight through naturopathy provides is preservation of all the body’s tissues, except unnecessary fat; this benefit distinguishes naturopathy from other weight loss methods that often sacrifice muscle tissue and bone tissue in the extreme effort to shed pounds.

The main theory behind naturopathy for weight loss is that patients who have been reliant on other dieting mechanisms have harmfully altered bodily functions, yielding negative side effects that make it impossible for them to lose weight. Those negative side effects include a malfunctioning thyroid, depressed metabolism, stress, and an imbalance of hormones in the endocrine system. Such effects are typically caused by constant dieting, restrictive eating plans that severely limit carbohydrates or protein, and extreme calorie reduction that sends the body into conservation or starvation mode. Yet another benefit of naturopathy is that it avoids all these destructive strategies in an effort to restore the anabolic reactions and catabolic reactions that together create the body’s metabolism. Naturopaths believe that the metabolism is the most important factor in weight loss and, if it is balanced, weight loss will effectively ensue.

To experience the benefits of naturopathy for weight loss, patients first undergo several screenings to measure their hormone levels, blood sugar, and the efficiency of the thyroid gland. Samples of blood, stool, and urine are also analyzed by naturopathic physicians. Results are then used to calibrate an individualized strategy for weight loss that targets all physiological imbalances.

Individualized plans guide the patients in what to eat, when to eat, and what type of exercise to do. Mind-body exercises like yoga or Pilates are often used in naturopathy for weight loss. High volumes of fruits and vegetables in the naturopathic approach have the added benefit of helping obese people detoxify from chemicals in processed foods that might be stymieing their weight loss. In addition to balanced nutrition and exercise, physicians incorporate herbs, teas and tinctures in the naturopathy for weight loss plans. Acupuncture, psychological counseling, massage and hypnotherapy might also be used to benefit the patient.