What Are the Benefits of Vitamin K for Skin?

There are several benefits of using vitamin K for skin. This vitamin is able to reduce the discoloration that can appear under the eyes. Vitamin K for skin can also improve the elasticity of the dermis. In addition, this vitamin has been shown to improve the healing of skin wounds and bruises.

Many conditions can cause unsightly dark circles to form under the eyes. The most common reasons for this type of blemish are allergies, poor sleep, and a genetic predisposition to this problem. Regardless of the reason, the most common cause of under-eye blemishes is a lack of blood flow to this area.

Using Vitamin K for skin can diminish dark marks below the eye by rejuvenating the capillaries that supply blood to the delicate area below the eye. Enhancement of the capillaries increases the blood flow to this area of skin. It may take many applications of a vitamin K cream, gel, or concentrated solution, but eventually the dark blemishes will begin to fade.

As a person ages, the elasticity of the skin, especially on the face, decreases and produces sagging and wrinkled skin. Vitamin K for skin may promote an increase in skin elasticity and help reduce the wrinkles that form as people age. With age, the dermis loses the protein matrix carboxyglutamic acid that maintains the elasticity of the skin. Vitamin kKhelps to maintain the concentration of matrix carboxyglutamic acid protein in the skin and decreases the chances of wrinkles developing.

A bruise forms when a trauma to the skin causes the blood vessels under the skin to break and the blood to pool in the damaged area, just under the skin. This unsightly wound will cause the skin to appear black, brown, or blue until the body can dissolve and dissipate the blood. Bruises can last many days or even up to a week or two. Older people have more delicate blood vessels and experience much more severe and prolonged bruising.

Vitamin K for skin promotes the healing of bruises by increasing the body’s ability to repair the broken blood vessels. This nutrient also aids in the reabsorption of the blood that has leaked and pooled at the bruise site. Many surgeons, especially plastic surgeons, will suggest that their patients increase their intake of foods rich in vitamin K, such as, herbs, dark greens, and broccoli. They will also suggest that the patient apply a vitamin K cream to the surgical area for two weeks before and after the procedure.