What are the Best Natural Remedies for Poison Ivy?

Poison ivy is a plant that can cause an itching, oozing rash on the skin of most people who touch it or who come in contact with another person or animal that has touched it. Luckily, there are many natural remedies for poison ivy. These remedies include common household items, such as potatoes, oatmeal, aloe vera, and rhubarb. Other natural remedies nclude leaf, stem and root extracts; oils and teas. These include tea tree oil, jewelweed extract, goldenseal root, burdock root, and honeysuckle extract./p>

The starchy paste that is created when raw potatoes are pureed is one of the natural remedies for poison ivy. Once the raw potatoes are pureed, the paste can be smeared across the rash area. It is believed that the potato paste will decrease the itching associated with the rash.

Oatmeal, rhubarb, and aloe vera are other items that are found in many people’s kitchens and medicine cabinets. Although these products will not treat poison ivy, they can be used to soothe the rash, and may also help reduce inflammation and the itching symptoms of the condition.

Tea tree oil is believed by many people to be one of the best natural remedies for poison ivy. It is thought to stop the rash from itching and reduce swelling in the affected area. For the best results, the tea tree oil should be dabbed on the skin every few hours for several days.

Another highly regarded remedy for poison ivy is jewelweed, often referred to as the touch-me-not flower. It is believed to stop the poison ivy rash from spreading. An extract that is made from the sticky liquid of the jewelweed stem can be purchased online or from a homeopathic remedy store. In the alternative, if a person is familiar enough with the brightly colored flowers of the jewelweed to find them in the wild, the stem of the flower can be cut and the sap can be rubbed directly on the affected area.

The root from the goldenseal plant also is thought to draw the toxins from the poison ivy plant away from the skin, while the root from burdock is believed to stop the affected area from itching. When the roots of the plants are boiled, a concentrated tea can be created. The tea can then be swabbed on the skin.
Honeysuckle leaves are another of the natural remedies for poison ivy that may be boiled in water. The mixture is then pureed and drained. The liquid that remains is then dabbed on the affected area. As one of the natural remedies for poison ivy, the liquid is thought to stop the skin from itching and dry up any oozing that may occur as a result of the poison ivy.