What Are the Best Personal Hygiene Practices?

Personal hygiene practices are important for maintaining good health and a favorable appearance. Though standards of personal hygiene vary around the world, primarily due to lack of basic necessities, as well as cultural differences, there are a number of standard personal hygiene practices in most developed countries. The best practices are generally related to cleanliness and good health; this includes bathing and showering daily, washing the hands regularly but particularly after using the restroom, and caring for the teeth with daily brushing and flossing. Wearing deodorant, laundering the clothing after wear, and keeping the hair groomed on the head, face and body.

Daily personal hygiene practices are important for a number of reasons. People in the workplace, or who will even just be spending time with other people, will typically need to maintain certain standards of personal care in order to be successful in these environments and interactions with others. Some workplaces even have guidelines for personal hygiene in the employee handbook, and may be within their rights to terminate employment of someone who does not maintain acceptable standards. In addition, good personal hygiene helps to promote good health for everyone, not just the individual. Keeping the hands clean, for example, is one of the easiest and most effective ways to prevent the spread of many common diseases.

Cleansing every day is one of the most important personal hygiene practices, such as by taking a bath or shower with soap, then cleaning the hair with shampoo. Brushing and flossing the teeth twice a day, and cleaning under the fingernails, are also important for personal hygiene. Then, washing the hands regularly throughout the day, and after using the restroom or coughing or sneezing, helps to keep everyone healthy. Eliminating bad habits, such as touching the face constantly or biting the nails, are also good steps for personal hygiene.

Other personal hygiene practices are important for appearance and health. Wearing clean clothes, for example, and laundering the clothing regularly, is important. Keeping facial hair neat and trimmed, and at least brushing the hair on a daily basis if not styling it, is also a good hygiene practice. Wearing deodorant is necessary to prevent body odor. In addition, caring for any wounds on the skin by keeping them clean, and applying an antibiotic ointment and bandages, is a good idea to prevent infection, and keep the appearance looking clean and healthy. These are just a few of the most common personal hygiene practices, but there are certainly others.