What Are the Best Resources for Learning OpenCV?

OpenCV is a type of computer vision library that often necessitates some programming knowledge to use. Those who are interested in this type of software can read traditional books, electronic books, and websites on the subject, as these resources can usually provide a basic understanding. Some people prefer to watch tutorials, which are often available on video and are easier to follow. Another option for learning OpenCV is to go to school, where you can usually find a class or a similar program on the subject.

Some people prefer to learn computer programming information through traditional means, such as reading about it. It may be possible to learn OpenCV purchasing or downloading a book on the subject to read on a computer or other electronic device. Because computer languages are updated so frequently, the information in a traditional book may already be out of date the time it is written and published, the latter option is often the most popular. This is why reading websites is a popular way to learn OpenCV because the information is frequently updated, even if it isn’t as comprehensive as reading an entire book on the subject.

Another way to learn OpenCV is to look for tutorials written experts in the field. Some people, for example, may provide step-by-step instructions on how to use OpenCV properly, and this type of resource is frequently accompanied pictures that show each step. Some OpenCV users also make video tutorials, which may be easier to follow for some people because some people learn better listening rather than reading. Although most tutorials are free, some videos or written resources, especially those with high ratings, may require payment to view.

It is also possible to enroll in an OpenCV course, which may be best for those who are serious about learning the program, as classes are rarely free, and the casual learner may not want to pay to learn. Those who want to learn exclusively about this type of open source software should look into online schools, which may offer a single course on the subject. Others may include it as part of a degree program, in which case choosing a major and taking additional classes may be required before learning OpenCV. Some community colleges may also offer a single course on this subject, though it is often easier to find a class that also teaches other open source programs. Similarly, students interested in taking a class at a university may have to select one that also teaches other creative coding fundamentals, as such schools rarely devote an entire class to one program.