What Are the Best Tips for a Personal Performance Evaluation?

In order to prepare an effective personal performance evaluation, it can be beneficial for the employee to be as objective as possible. This can be achieved by getting opinions on performance from co-workers, looking at performance from a qualitative perspective, and analyzing the response of others to personal professional efforts. The goal is to be honest, while providing a balanced perspective of the strong and weak points of the individual’s job performance. Strong personal performance evaluations will also typically include details of employees’ work which can help to fill the gaps in a manager’s knowledge.

One way for employees to prepare for writing a personal performance evaluation is to ensure that they understand and fill the requirements of the task. A thorough review of their job descriptions can help employees to determine which areas are being managed well and what elements could be improved. It can also provide a framework for the review.

Once employees have their own perspective on their job performance, it can be useful to get the opinion of others. Asking relevant coworkers for a quick overall assessment of performance, in addition to feedback on a few key points, can give employees a different view of their impact on the organization. Whether or not the feedback is accurate or fair, it will tend to give employees an idea of how they are perceived.

It is also advisable to strike a balance between positive and negative when completing a personal performance evaluation. This includes admitting faults without being too self-deprecating. It also involves promoting good work without inflating its impact or appearing too boastful. Most employees will need some sort of improvement, and anticipating this on the evaluation can help a manager to address problems more efficiently. On the other hand, employees can often accomplish things that miss the manager’s attention, though they should be a significant part of the review.

Setting and assessing goals for the year is another common part of personal performance evaluation. It is advisable for employees to set themselves up for success by picking achievable goals. While setting lofty targets may be impressive at the beginning of the year, they will not help employees if they are not attained by the next review period.

It can also be helpful to keep regular notes on job performance in anticipation of completing an evaluation. Details like these are often an effective way of convincing managers of the caliber of their employees’ performance. It can also help employees to create an accurate self-assessment of their work.