What Are the Best Tips for Buying a New Oboe?

Because purchasing a new oboe is an investment, it’s worthwhile to use a few pointers to improve the outcome. Buyers should, in general, purchase from professionals after discussing their preferences ahead of time. Only full-conservatory oboes that have been tested and, if necessary, customized should be purchased. For new wood oboes, the break-in period, as well as the time to consider each oboe available, are important considerations.

Working directly with an oboe dealer rather than a general salesperson at a music store is one of the best tips for buying a new oboe, especially if the buyer is looking for a specific model. Music store employees may have a basic understanding of the inventory they have on hand or can order, but they do not always have the expertise of oboe dealers. Oboe dealers are frequently oboists who are more knowledgeable about the subtle differences between each model. They usually have a better network when it comes to customizing an oboe for the buyer.

Second, before approaching dealers, those interested in purchasing a new oboe should have a good idea of the type of oboe they want as well as the environment in which the oboe will be played. A buyer should know whether he prefers wood or plastic, a bright or dark tone, and whether the oboe will be used in a concert hall or a band room, for example. Oboe dealers are knowledgeable about their products and can hand-pick oboes that meet a buyer’s needs.

Not all oboes are full-conservatory, which means they lack keywork that intermediate to advanced players consider standard. New oboes without a full-conservatory system should be avoided. The frustration of having to relearn new fingerings when upgrading to a better oboe is not worth the savings often offered on non-conservatory oboes, and the lack of facility caused the lack of keywork is also frustrating to players. Regardless of whether they choose a plastic or wood oboe, buyers should always look for the top-of-the-line, full-conservatory system that fits their budget.

Even if the buyer has heard the oboe being considered played someone else, another tip for buying a new oboe is to always test the oboe before purchase. The reason for this is that each player’s physique and embouchure are slightly different. Players may discover that the oboe with the sound they prefer has keywork that is completely inappropriate for their hand shape. No matter how much the buyer loves the tone of the instrument, buyers should never buy a new oboe that doesn’t feel good to play physically. This is particularly true for serious musicians, who must frequently practice or rehearse for several hours each day.

Consider customized keywork, which is related to the idea of physical comfort. Some oboe manufacturers will make extensions for specific keys. This eliminates the need for the player to strain to reach the mechanisms. If the oboe has a good overall feel and tone, but one or two keys are broken, see if someone can measure the buyer’s hand and make a new key.

Additionally, if the buyer is considering a wood oboe, these instruments require a six- to one-year break-in period. Because the wood is still tense from lack of exposure to moisture, new oboes of wood that have never been owned or routinely played sound tighter than broken-in oboes. To get a full, rich sound, a buyer may have to blow a little harder when testing these oboes. As a result, a buyer should base his decision on his understanding of the new oboe’s tonal potential, with the initial play test serving only as a rough guide.

Finally, don’t buy an oboe on the spur of the moment. If a buyer simply asks, many dealers will hold oboes they are considering. Buyers should allow time for their initial reaction to the oboe to subside before logically going over the advantages and disadvantages of each oboe they’ve tried.