What Are the Best Tips for DIY Pool Heating?

The best tips for do-it-yourself (DIY) pool heating can depend on the local climate, the desired temperature increase, and the available budget. If budget is not a concern, and it is necessary to add a lot of heat to the water, then installing a gas heater is one option to consider. Whether or not this is a viable DIY pool heating project will typically depend on local building codes. Solar collectors can also be used for DIY pool heating projects, in which case they should typically be oriented to within about 15 degrees of true north or south depending on the hemisphere. Another low cost tip is to use the existing filtration pump to send water through black tubing, onto the roof of a nearby structure, and then back into the pool.

Cold pool water is often invigorating on hot summer days, but it can be uncomfortable throughout much of the year in cooler climates. One tip for keeping pool water warm, and reducing heating costs, is to use a pool cover. These covers are typically designed to keep debris out of pools, though they can also provide thermal insulation. In some cases, a pool cover can reduce heating costs by about 75%.

Traditional pool heaters typically make use of gas burners, and they are often quite expensive to install and operate. This type of DIY project typically requires some specialized knowledge, and building codes sometimes come into play. It is important to make sure all the gas lines are routed properly and installed securely when working on this type of DIY project, and it can also be a good idea to consult with a professional.

Another type of DIY pool heating project involves installing solar collectors. These projects are typically expensive, though they cost very little to maintain and operate. Unglazed collectors usually work best for DIY pool heating, since they can allow the water to circulate faster. The collectors should also be oriented in the right direction in order to capture the most sunlight. Point them south in the northern hemisphere, north in the southern, and determine the optimum tilt angle based on latitude.

If budget is a concern, then there are also DIY pool heating methods that do not require a lot of money to set up. One way to use the sun to heat pool water is to string black tubing up and over the roof of a nearby structure, and circulate the pool water through it with a pump. The black tubing will absorb heat from the sun, so any water that passes through will also heat up. In some cases, it is even possible to use an existing pool filter pump to move water through this type of DIY pool heating system.