What Are the Best Tips for Doing Pilates at Home?

Doing Pilates at home is a great way to stay in shape without having to go to a gym or fitness center, but it will be necessary to do a bit of research into proper Pilates techniques as well as the necessary equipment. The first step to making the process of doing Pilates at home much easier and more effective is to clear out a space in the home where the exercises can be done unimpeded. This will not require a lot of space, but enough room will be necessary to stretch out without striking any objects or disturbing other people in the room.

It may not be easy for a beginner to do Pilates at home, since some of the exercises can be difficult, especially without professional guidance. It may help to invest in a DVD or book that describes proper execution of Pilates techniques. The new Pilates participant will need to study the techniques carefully to avoid injury and get the most out of doing Pilates at home. Start with exercises that are appropriate to the exerciser’s ability level, and focus on learning the proper breathing techniques. Proper breathing will make the exercises more efficient and beneficial.

Regardless of ability level, anyone doing Pilates at home will need to recognize when a motion or exercise is doing more harm than good. Pilates exercises are strenuous and often difficult to do, but they should never cause pain. If pain is felt, it is wise to stop the exercise immediately and refrain from doing it again until the pain goes away. Pain may occur if the exercise is being done improperly, or if another medical condition exists. It is wise to consult a doctor before starting a Pilates routine, especially if the exerciser knows he or she has existing medical conditions that can lead to pain or injury.

Invest in the proper equipment and only buy quality pieces that will not break or risk injury. A cushioned mat is one of the staples of doing Pilates at home, and such mats can be purchased at most sporting goods stores. Be sure to buy a mat that is appropriately padded, and one that will not slip out of place when exercises are being performed. Wear appropriate clothing that does not restrict movement, and invest in a good pair of athletic shoes that are supportive. Consider buying moisture-wicking clothing that will keep you cool and dry during the workout as well.