What Are the Best Tips for Grilling round Steak?

Some of the best tips for grilling round steak focus on marinating the meat, grilling methods and proper slicing techniques. When grilling a round steak, it is best to use a highly acidic marinade or basting liquid on the traditionally tough beef cut. Allowing the steak to rise to room temperature prior to cooking is also a good tip. After grilling, another tip is to allow the meat to rest prior to serving in order to serve the tenderest and juiciest meat possible.

Round steak is one of the leanest cuts of beef available, therefore, after grilling round steak, the meat often tends to turn out tough and difficult to chew. This can be slightly reduced by using a highly acidic marinade on the round steak prior to placing the meat on the grill. The acid in the marinade, such as vinegar, citrus juice and other ingredients, works to break down the tissue of the beef and make the beef tenderer. The liquid in the marinade provides the required moisture to prevent to meat from drying out when cooking. Placing olive oil in the marinade helps create meat less likely to stick to the grill grate.

One tip to ensure better grilling is to always begin cooking with a clean and hot grill surface that has been properly lubricated. The grill grate should always be scraped with a clean wire brush before using in order to get the best results for grilling round steak. Once hot, the grill grate should be properly lubricated by running a piece of beef fat over the grill or by placing a rolled towel in vegetable or olive oil and rubbing the grill with the oiled cloth. This tip will help in placing grill marks on the beef as well as help with the proper cooking of the beef when grilling round steak.

The steak will be juiciest if turned over only once while grilling. To form grill mark patterns on the meat, the steak should be placed on a very hot grill for 30 seconds and then rotated one-quarter turn. Once rotated full circle, the meat should be turned over to place the grill marks on both sides of the steak and then allowed to cook until done. After the steak is removed from the grill, the meat should be allowed to rest for 10 to 15 minutes. This will allow the meat’s natural juices to return throughout the meat and provide the juiciest meat possible when grilling round steak.