What Are the Best Tips for Growing Teen Beards?

Many find that growing teen beards can be a challenge because, along with genetics, age and hormone levels play a large part in whether someone will be able to grow a beard. Some men find that they aren’t able to grow full beards until they are in their late 20s. There are things that can be done, however, to increase a teenager’s chances of being able to successfully grow his first beard. A healthy, well-balanced diet can help to increase the rate of facial hair growth. Taking certain dietary supplements, like biotin, can help to grow teen beards.

There are many myths when it comes to growing teen beards, the biggest being that shaving will make a beard grow faster and thicker. Shaving actually has no long term effect on facial hair growth. Eating a healthy diet is a much more proven and effective way to stimulate hair growth.

Taking dietary supplements that help to grow hair and nails can also be effective. Those who take 2.5 milligrams of biotin a day might see an increase in facial hair growth. Some suggest that applying Rogaine, which contains minoxidil, to the face can help accelerate beard growth, but it can also irritate the skin and cause acne breakouts. Those who still want to try Rogaine to grow teen beards should consult a medical professional first.

Facial hair is the fastest growing hair on a male’s body, which should be encouraging. It is important to remember that hormones, age, and genetics also influence how fast the facial hair grows, how thick it will be, and where it will grow on the face. Some teens will find that facial hair will seem to grow fine in some areas, while others areas will be bare or sparsely covered, especially in the first week or two of trying to grow a beard. Not shaving and letting the facial hair grow out for four to six weeks will give a teen some idea of how much of his face will be covered by a beard, and which beard styles and shapes will best suit the way his facial hair grows.

Letting a beard grown for four to six weeks can leave a teen feeling self-conscious, especially when the beard is in its awkward phase. Those who want to grow teen beards should consider starting during some kind of vacation or break. A newly growing beard can also be very itchy and uncomfortable for several weeks. Washing the beard with a dandruff shampoo can help to relieve some of the itchiness.