What Are the Best Tips for Keeping Kosher?

Keeping kosher, a way of eating for many of the Jewish faith, can be difficult in day-to-day life. Some of the best tips for doing so include purchasing all meats from a kosher butcher and buying prepackaged items in the grocery store that are certified as kosher. Thoroughly inspecting all fruits and vegetables, keeping two separate sets of pots, pans, and utensils, and taking care when cleaning can also be helpful.

Meat that has been properly butchered is a large part of keeping kosher. In general, the average grocery store sells meat from large farms or companies that slaughter animals in the most cost-effective way, which is typically not in keeping with Jewish law. Purchasing all meat from a kosher butcher is the best way to ensure that the blood has been properly drained from the animal and the fat surrounding the organs has been removed.

When it comes to purchasing convenience foods or even pantry staples, keeping kosher can be difficult. The easiest way to do so is to only purchase products that have a label indicating the item is certified as kosher. If these items are not available in the local grocery stores, looking up companies online and figuring out how its products are processed can be helpful.

Adhering to kashrut, the name of the Jewish laws dealing with food, requires thoroughly inspecting all fruits and vegetables. Nothing with bugs on it can be eaten while keeping kosher. A cursory look over many fruits and vegetables is often all that is necessary. Despite this, leafy produce often requires a more detailed inspection. When it comes to grapes, asking a kosher butcher for information on local Jewish growers is often a good idea, or grapes can be grown at home in certain climates.

Keeping separate sets of cooking items can make keeping kosher much easier when cooking at home. One set of pots, pans, and utensils should be used only for cooking meat, while a separate set should be kept exclusively for cooking with dairy. Storing each set in a separate cabinet to prevent mistakes is also a good tip for keeping kosher.

When it comes to cleaning, it can also be helpful to maintain two separate sponges, rags, or brushes to clean each set of cooking items. Utilizing two separate pans for washing dishes, one for dairy and one for meat, rather than washing them all in the same sink can also be helpful. In order to keep kosher, it is often best to avoid using a dishwasher. If one is used, it is typically best to wash one load of dairy dishes, run an empty wash, and then do a load of meat dishes.