What Are the Best Tips for Learning the Harp?

Understanding the fundamentals is often the best place to start when learning the harp. When learning the harp, as with any other art form, it’s critical to use the right techniques. When you play with proper form, you can be more consistent. It’s also important to think about your goals, musical ability, and whether or not professional instruction is necessary.

Both good posture and proper harp holding are essential. A floor harp necessitates the use of a bench or chair of sufficient height to allow the harp to rest on the shoulder without causing back strain. The harpist’s feet should be squarely on the floor on either side of the harp. When the arms are stretched out, the hands should be able to easily reach the harp’s center.

Straighten your back, but don’t tense it. While playing, a relaxed posture allows for more freedom of movement. Tensing up can cause cramping and, over time, neck problems.

When learning the harp, it’s also important to master hand positions and chord-playing techniques. The thumbs are pointing straight up and the hands are held close to the strings. The thumbs are then used as anchors on the strings, with the fingers plucking the strings around the thumbs. The left hand is typically placed at the lower strings and plays the bass notes or chords in basic harp hand positions. The melody and additional chords are usually played with the right hand.

When approached with a playful attitude, learning the harp is less stressful. Plucking a few individual strings to hear how they sound can be both entertaining and educational. Running an index across the entire span of the strings can also be a fun way to practice a well-known harp sound, the glissando. This can be done in both directions, starting with the smaller strings and working your way up to the larger strings.

When learning the harp, individual attention from a professional instructor is often beneficial. Harp instructors are taught to watch and adjust their students’ hand movements. For example, a teacher can assist in learning to play chords and read music. The best harp teachers are willing to accommodate a student’s learning goals, keeping in mind that some harpists have professional goals in mind while others simply want to enjoy playing the harp.

It is also possible to learn on your own by studying books or watching videos. When deciding on this path, having some prior experience playing a musical instrument is advantageous. Learning to play the harp is often made easier by prior experience with other instruments, such as the piano or guitar.