What Are the Best Tips for Making a DIY Shoe Rack?

Making a DIY shoe rack is a great way to save space without going to the store to buy a more expensive prefabricated unit. Before going out to buy the materials, the builder should first determine how large of a unit is needed as well as where it will be placed. Taking accurate measurements of the space will help prevent mistakes and will ensure ease of use in the storage space. Once measurements have been taken, the builder will need to determine what types of materials will be used to make the DIY shoe rack.

Wood is a commonly used material because it is easy to cut and otherwise manipulate, and it can be inexpensive depending on what type of wood is purchased. Metal can be used as well, though this tends to be more difficult to work with. Plastic can be used as well, but it is generally less durable than other materials. Some DIY shoe rack designs can be made from durable fabrics instead to save even more space or to accommodate different storage locations. The DIY shoe rack can, for example, be designed to hang from the back of a door or from the hanger rod in a closet.

It helps to think about how many pairs of shoes will be stored, as well as how bulky the shoes are. A person with smaller feet will generally be able to store more pairs of shoes in a set space because the shoes will usually be less bulky, but a person with larger feet will need to design a DIY shoe rack to accommodate larger shoes. The types of shoes being stored will also dictate the size of the rack and the materials that will be used; if, for example, boots will be stored on the rack, it may be useful to make the rack out of waterproof or water-resistant materials since boots tend to collect mud, snow, and other potentially damaging materials.

If the DIY shoe rack will be stored by the front door of the home, aesthetics will become more important. Consider other pieces of furniture near the doorway and try to design a DIY shoe rack that will fit aesthetically in the space. Wood is again a good choice because stained wood will usually fit with any given aesthetic, and it can be painted easily if the aesthetic of the space changes at any time.