What Are the Best Tips for Making DIY Greeting Cards?

A good way to make professional looking DIY greeting cards is to use a software program designed for that purpose. A computer and ink will be needed for the project as well. Digital photographs of family members or pets can be used to make DIY greeting cards more personal and unique. Alternately, handmade greeting cards can be made using various materials. Old fabrics and scraps, as well as buttons and beads make fun accessories for DIY greeting cards.

Making handmade greeting cards can be a fun project. Children will have fun working with colorful stickers and decals for their greeting cards. Scrapbook supply stores sell glitter stickers for various events and holidays. Most discount stores also sell a good selection of colorful stickers for kids and adults. To avoid possible injury, very young children should use safety scissors when creating their handmade cards.

Rather than writing a generic heading such as “Happy Birthday,” a handwritten poem adds a personal touch. Children often like writing limericks and these can be a fun addition to a handmade greeting card. For those who don’t have a creative flair for writing, consider adding a famous quotation that fits the occasion. Choosing an appropriate verse or saying will make the DIY greeting cards special, and ideas and inspiration can be found online.

Three dimensional (3-D) DIY greeting cards can be created through layering. This can be accomplished by printing multiple copies of a design and attaching one on top of the other. Online tutorials can provide complete instructions for making a 3-D design.

Although making handmade DIY greeting cards can be a great artistic outlet for the kids, many teens and adults prefer to use a greeting card creator software program. This method won’t require the use of various art supplies such as markers, ribbon, or lace. When selecting a software program for creating DIY greeting cards, there are a few features to look for.

It’s important to choose a software program that is compatible with a computer’s operating system. In addition, a computer needs to have sufficient memory and storage space to download and operate the software. To be certain a computer meets those requirements, it’s necessary to read the software packaging. Those who are new to the hobby of creating DIY greeting cards should select a program with a user-friendly interface, and avoid applications that are intended for advanced users.