What Are the Best Tips for Making DIY Signs?

Before a person gets started with Do-It-Yourself (DIY) sign making, he may consider tips from sign-making experts and ordinary people who have created their own signs. Among the tips a person may consider are those that involve choosing a method of creation and deciding how the lettering will look. A person might also consider tips that focus on using color to create the desired effect. Additionally, many sign-making tips involve checking for errors before hanging a new sign.

One of the best tips for making DIY signs is to remember that there are many options for creating them. For example, a person could use a word processing, art, or presentation program to create a sign on his computer and then print it out when he is ready to use it. He might also use poster board or wood to create a sign by hand or design a sign on his computer, sending his finished work to a professional for creation in the size and colors he desires. His choice may depend on how creative and artistic he is, how large and complex he wants the sign to be, and his audience. For instance, an individual might create DIY signs out of poster board to advertise a yard sale but prefer to send his DIY design to a professional if it will appear in the window of a store.

A person may also benefit from suggestions that involve readability, as even the most creative sign is unlikely to do its job if its target audience cannot easily read it. This usually means selecting a font that is large enough to be read by a person positioned at a reasonable distance from it. It may also mean avoiding overly ornate lettering that people might have trouble deciphering. A slight exception to this is when a person is advertising a store or business that is a good match for special lettering. For instance, a Gothic clothing store may opt for a creative font but still work to make sure it is readable.

Many tips for making signs focus on ensuring that the background colors used will make the sign stand out in its location. For example, if a person is creating a no-smoking sign for an office wall, using white paper and placing the sign against a white wall will likely make the sign blend in with its background. Likewise, people typically strive for optimal contrast between the background colors on a sign and the color of the letters. Additionally, it is often suggested that people use colors that are suited to the reason for the DIY signs. A romantic restaurant, for example, might prefer to avoid neon colors on its signage.

Sometimes the best tips for DIY signs are those that remind people to proofread them before setting them up or hanging them where others can see them. A single typo or misplaced apostrophe can significantly detract from the sign’s effect. To avoid this, a person may do well to ask another party to proof the sign in order to catch mistakes the sign creator might overlook.