What Are the Best Tips for Making Grilled Scallops?

Grilled scallops are a delectable seafood dish that is popular among seafood lovers for their delicate flavor, tender texture, and beautiful presentation. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned griller, there are several tips and techniques that can help you create the perfect grilled scallops every time. In this detailed guide, we will explore the best tips for making grilled scallops that are flavorful, perfectly cooked, and sure to impress your guests.

1. Selecting the Right Scallops:
When it comes to making grilled scallops, choosing the right type of scallops is crucial. There are two main types of scallops available – bay scallops and sea scallops. Sea scallops are larger and meatier, making them ideal for grilling. Look for sea scallops that are fresh and sustainably sourced for the best flavor.

2. Preparing the Scallops:
Before grilling the scallops, it is essential to properly prepare them. Start rinsing the scallops under cold water to remove any sand or grit. Pat them dry with a paper towel to ensure they sear properly on the grill. If the scallops have a muscle on the side known as the “foot,” feel free to remove it as it can become tough when grilled.

3. Marinating the Scallops:
While scallops have a naturally sweet and delicate flavor, marinating them can enhance their taste and introduce complementary flavors. You can choose from a variety of marinades depending on your preference, such as citrus-based marinades, soy-based marinades, or herb-infused marinades.

Citrus-based marinades, like lemon or lime juice mixed with olive oil, can add brightness and a tangy flavor to the scallops. Soy-based marinades, such as a mixture of soy sauce, ginger, and garlic, can provide a savory umami flavor. Herb-infused marinades, like a combination of fresh herbs (thyme, rosemary, or basil) with olive oil, can infuse the scallops with aromatic flavors.

When marinating the scallops, place them in a shallow dish and coat them evenly with the marinade. Cover the dish with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 15-30 minutes to allow the flavors to penetrate the scallops without overpowering them.

4. Preheating the Grill:
To achieve perfectly grilled scallops, it is essential to preheat the grill properly. Start cleaning the grates to remove any food residue from previous grilling sessions. Then, preheat the grill to medium-high heat, around 400°F (204°C). This will ensure that the scallops sear quickly and develop a beautiful char while remaining tender on the inside.

5. Oil the Grill Grates:
To prevent the scallops from sticking to the grill grates, it is crucial to oil them before grilling. Take a small piece of paper towel and dip it in vegetable or canola oil. Using tongs, rub the oiled paper towel over the grill grates evenly. This will create a non-stick surface for the scallops and help in achieving a perfect sear.

6. Skewering the Scallops:
Skewering the scallops not only makes grilling easier but also ensures that they cook evenly. If using wooden skewers, soak them in water for at least 30 minutes before grilling to prevent them from burning. Thread the scallops onto the skewers, leaving a small gap between each scallop to allow for even heat distribution.

7. Grilling Techniques:
When it comes to grilling scallops, it is crucial to use the right technique to achieve a delicate and lightly charred exterior while maintaining a moist and tender center. Follow these steps for perfect results:

a. Direct Heat Method:
Place the skewered scallops directly over the preheated grill grates. Grill the scallops for approximately 2-3 minutes per side, or until they develop a golden-brown crust. Avoid overcooking the scallops as they can become tough and rubbery. Remember, scallops cook quickly, so keep a close eye on them.

b. Indirect Heat Method:
If you prefer a slower and more controlled cooking process, you can use the indirect heat method. In this technique, place the skewered scallops on one side of the grill, away from direct heat. Close the grill lid and let the scallops cook for about 5-7 minutes, flipping them once halfway through. This method allows for a more gentle heat distribution, resulting in a moist and tender texture.

8. Basting the Scallops:
Basting the scallops with marinade or a flavorful sauce during the grilling process can help enhance the overall taste and prevent them from drying out. Using a basting brush, apply the sauce or marinade of your choice to the scallops immediately after flipping them on the grill. Baste them every time you turn them to ensure they remain juicy and flavorful.

9. Testing Doneness:
Determining the doneness of scallops can be a bit challenging, as they can quickly go from perfectly cooked to overcooked. To ensure they are cooked to perfection, pay attention to their color and texture. Properly cooked scallops should have a slightly opaque or pearly white center. Overcooked scallops will turn opaque and become firm, while undercooked scallops may appear translucent.

10. Resting Time:
Once the scallops are grilled to perfection, it is important to let them rest for a few minutes before serving. This resting time allows the juices to redistribute within the scallops, resulting in a more succulent and flavorful bite.

11. Serving Suggestions:
To make the most of your delicious grilled scallops, consider serving them with complementary flavors and side dishes. Here are some serving suggestions to elevate your dish:

– Fresh Citrus Salsa:

Prepare a tangy and refreshing salsa using diced oranges, grapefruit, lime juice, red onion, cilantro, and a pinch of salt. The vibrant citrus flavors will pair beautifully with the grilled scallops.

– Zesty Herb Butter:

Whip up a flavorful herb butter combining softened butter with freshly chopped herbs like parsley, dill, and chives. Add a squeeze of lemon juice and a pinch of salt for an extra kick of flavor. Serve the grilled scallops with a dollop of herb butter on top.

– Grilled Vegetables:

Accompany the scallops with a colorful medley of grilled vegetables, such as zucchini, bell peppers, asparagus, and cherry tomatoes. Toss the vegetables in olive oil, salt, and pepper before grilling for a delicious and nutritious side dish.

– Herbed Couscous:

Prepare a fluffy and aromatic herb-infused couscous cooking it with vegetable or chicken broth and adding in fresh herbs like mint, parsley, and basil. The light and fluffy texture of couscous will complement the plump and juicy scallops.

12. Storage and Reheating:
If you have any leftover grilled scallops, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They will stay fresh for up to 2-3 days. To reheat the scallops, it is important to be gentle to avoid overcooking them. You can either heat them in a skillet over medium heat for a few minutes or place them in a 350°F (177°C) preheated oven for about 5-7 minutes until heated through.

Making grilled scallops is an art that can be mastered with the right techniques and attention to detail. From selecting the right scallops to marinating, grilling, and serving them, every step plays a crucial role in achieving the perfect grilled scallops. Remember to experiment with different marinades and serving suggestions to create a truly memorable dish. With these expert tips and techniques at your disposal, you are well on your way to becoming a master griller of delicious scallops.