What are the Best Tips for Making Homemade Body Scrubs?

Making homemade body scrubs can be a great way to save money as well as to avoid putting preservatives and other chemicals on the body. Body scrubs are used to deeply cleanse and exfoliate the skin, cleaning the pores and sloughing off dead skin cells. Homemade body scrubs can be just as effective as body scrubs found in stores, and they are typically only made with a few ingredients found around the house.

One of the best tips for making homemade body scrubs is to get a small container that can be well sealed to store the mixture in. Keep in mind that when making a body scrub at home, natural ingredients are used, so the scrub may not last longer than a few days. It is best to make small batches and use it up, rather than making large batches, trying to store it, and having it develop a smell or go bad.

Next, select the ingredients to be included in homemade body scrubs. It will be necessary to have an exfoliating ingredient as well as a moisturizing ingredient; these are really the only two requirements. One may also choose to add a scented ingredient to the body scrub for a more pleasant experience while using it, but this is not absolutely necessary. Common exfoliating ingredients include white sugar, brown sugar, oatmeal, baking soda, wheat flour, and salt, which may include sea salt, table salt, or Epsom salt.

Keep in mind that most of these ingredients are far too harsh to be used on the face, and should only be used in scrubs for the body. Of all of them, baking soda or very fine sugar are the only two that should generally be used on the face. Common ingredients mixed with the exfoliant for moisturizing include oils such as olive oil, vegetable oil, coconut oil, almond oil, honey, and milk. Some people choose to add softening ingredients such as jojoba or macadamia oil to the mixture, as well as ground coffee or cocoa for scent and extra exfoliation. It is generally recommended that one use a one to one ratio when mixing exfoliating and moisturizing ingredients together.

In addition, a few drops of essential oil may be added to homemade body scrubs for a pleasing scent. These may include lavender oil or rose oil, just to name a few. It may be difficult to keep the body scrub mixed, so just stir it again right before use. Apply it to damp skin, rub it in gently, and rinse it off to reveal soft, fresh skin.