What Are the Best Tips for Making Italian Wedding Soup?

Italian wedding soup is a classic and comforting dish that is perfect for not only weddings but also any special occasion or even a regular weeknight dinner. This delicious soup features a flavorful broth, tender meatballs, and hearty greens. If you’re planning to make Italian wedding soup, here are the best tips to ensure that it turns out absolutely delicious.

1. Choose the Right Greens:
One of the key components of Italian wedding soup is the greens. Traditionally, escarole, a slightly bitter green, is used. However, you can also use other leafy greens like kale or spinach, depending on your preference. The greens add a touch of freshness and balance to the rich broth and meatballs. Make sure to thoroughly wash and chop the greens before adding them to the soup.

2. Make Flavorful Meatballs:
The meatballs in Italian wedding soup are small and delicate. To make flavorful meatballs, start combining ground meat (a combination of beef, veal, and pork works well), breadcrumbs, grated Parmesan cheese, minced garlic, finely chopped parsley, beaten egg, salt, and pepper. Mix all the ingredients together gently, taking care not to overwork the mixture, as this can result in tough meatballs. Roll the mixture into small, bite-sized meatballs, and set them aside.

3. Use Homemade Chicken Broth:
While you can use store-bought chicken broth, making your own homemade broth adds a depth of flavor that takes the soup to the next level. To make the broth, start with a whole chicken or chicken parts (such as wings or drumsticks) and cover them with water in a large pot. Add quartered onions, chopped carrots, celery stalks, garlic cloves, bay leaves, and a few sprigs of fresh thyme. Simmer the broth for at least 2 hours, skimming off any impurities that rise to the surface. Once the broth is done, strain it to remove the solids, and you’re ready to use it in your soup.

4. Cook the Meatballs Properly:
To cook the meatballs, you have two options:

you can either brown them in a skillet before adding them to the soup or drop them directly into the simmering broth. Browning the meatballs first adds an extra depth of flavor and a slightly crispy texture to the outside. However, if you prefer a softer and more delicate texture, dropping them directly into the broth is a great option. If you choose to brown the meatballs, heat a bit of olive oil in a skillet over medium heat and cook them until they are browned on all sides. Transfer them to a plate lined with a paper towel to absorb any excess oil.

5. Add Aromatics for Flavor:
To enhance the flavor of the soup, add aromatics such as minced garlic, diced onions, and chopped carrots. Sauté these ingredients in a bit of olive oil until they become tender and fragrant. This step adds a depth of flavor to the soup base before adding the broth.

6. Strain the Broth:
For a clearer and cleaner-looking soup, strain the broth once it has simmered for some time. This step removes any impurities or small particles that may be present. Using a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth, carefully strain the broth, discarding any solids. This will result in a more refined and visually appealing soup.

7. Simmer the Soup Slowly:
Once you’ve added the meatballs, greens, and any additional ingredients, it’s important to simmer the soup slowly to allow all the flavors to meld together. Simmering the soup over low heat for at least 30 minutes will ensure that the meatballs are cooked through and the flavors have blended harmoniously. Be cautious not to boil the soup rapidly as it may result in overcooking the greens and making the meatballs tough.

8. Adjust Seasoning:
Taste the soup before serving, and if needed, adjust the seasoning. Depending on the saltiness of your broth and Parmesan cheese, you may need to add a pinch or two of salt. Freshly ground black pepper can also be added to taste. Keep in mind that flavors tend to develop over time, so the soup may taste even better when reheated.

9. Serve the Soup Hot:
Italian wedding soup is best enjoyed hot. Ladle it into individual soup bowls, making sure to spoon a generous amount of meatballs, greens, and broth into each bowl. You can garnish the soup with some freshly grated Parmesan cheese and chopped parsley for added flavor and presentation.

10. Accompany with Bread:
No bowl of Italian wedding soup is complete without a side of crusty Italian bread. Serve slices of toasted or freshly baked bread on the side to dip into the flavorful broth and sop up every last drop of goodness.

Making a delicious Italian wedding soup involves carefully selecting the greens, flavoring the meatballs, preparing a homemade chicken broth, browning the meatballs, adding aromatics for flavor, straining the broth, simmering the soup slowly, adjusting the seasoning, serving it hot, and pairing it with crusty Italian bread. Follow these tips, and you’ll create a hearty and flavorful soup that will impress your family and friends. Buon appetito!