What Are the Best Tips for Organic Flea Control?

The best tips for using organic flea control are to ensure the product is effective and safe, prepare for and possibly mask the smell of the product, and fall back on non-organic solutions if necessary. Both safety and effectiveness are important when choosing an organic flea control product. In addition, it is important to consider the smell of organic flea repellent, which is sometimes made with garlic, essential oils, or lesser-known herbs. Lastly, if the products are not working, it may be necessary for a backup plan, because both the pet and pet owner deserve to live flea-free.

Before using an organic flea control method, pet owners should ensure the method is determined effective by reputable studies. If reputable studies prove the product is effective and safe, the pet owner’s local government or at least a respectable pet organization will back those claims. When there are no scientific studies or endorsements by reputable agencies, the flea control should be regarded with a healthy amount of skepticism. The method might be completely ineffective or even very effective but harmful to pets. It is difficult to know without extensive testing.

It is entirely possible for the pet or the owner to be allergic to or otherwise bothered by the ingredients in an organic flea control substance. In many cases, the product contains essential oils and herbs, like lavender oil, lemongrass, and organic olive oil. Essential oils can have a strong smell that irritates sensitive noses, in addition to being dangerous in concentrated amounts. Many people are allergic to certain kinds of herbs; for example, they might develop breathing problems after accidentally ingesting lemongrass. Dogs are irritated by certain smells and have allergies just like humans, and they should be watched for signs of distress.

Organic flea control substances typically do not have the same smell that many non-organic flea sprays and drops have. This can be an advantage to using organic flea control, but there are downsides. For example, there is still a smell, but unless the pet owner is familiar with the smell of essential oils, either pure or in forms like organic perfume, the smell can be odd at first. It might take some getting used to, or the pet owner may need to mask the smell in some way.

Lastly, sometimes organic flea control methods are not an effective solution. The pet and house might need to be treated with a non-organic solution for everyone to find relief from fleas. If necessary, the pet owner can instead use the natural flea control to prevent fleas rather than kill them after successfully getting rid of the infestation using another method.