What are the Best Tips for Rendering Walls?

Walls that are chipped, cracked or have plant growth on them can be rendered to protect them from further damage as well as making them look better. When rendering walls, use cement or plaster mixed with water and sand for the most solid mixture. Before commencing, brush off any excess mortar and remove dirt from the wall because this makes it easier for the mixture to stick. Ensure the mixture has the right consistency before using a trowel to apply. Apply more than one layer before spraying with water to prevent cracking during the drying process, and add a coat of paint to the dried surface.

The rendering process involves adding a layer of mud, cement, plaster, or other material to make a wall smoother. Rendering walls also makes it easier to paint. While this process makes a wall look better, it also helps keep it strong by protecting it from the elements.

When rendering walls, it is important to ensure they are cleaned before beginning the process. A clean wall ensures maximum suction between wall and render material. Use a wire brush to clean away growth on the wall while chipping off any excess mortar.

Vertical battens should be placed on the wall and need to be about 4/10 of an inch (1 cm) thick. Place the first batten at the corner of the wall and ensure that it remains straight. Gently spray a thin layer of water on the wall to improve suction, thus making sure the render sticks.

The material for rendering walls should be mixed. When using cement, mix it with clean sand and water. It is important to get the proper combination. If too much water is included, the render will be sloppy whereas a dry mixture will simply crumble.

Use a trowel to apply the mortar between the battens. Apply pressure when putting the render on the wall. If the render is properly utilized, the wall will look like one smooth coat was applied. Clean corners can be created with a straightedge. Once the mix is dry, take out the battens and fill them in with the same rendering material.

It may only be necessary to apply one coat when rendering walls, although two layers are usually used on straight walls. More crooked walls may require a third layer. Spray another layer of water on the wall when the mix has been applied. Failure to do this could cause the mixture to dry too quickly, thereby resulting in cracking and shrinkage. Once the render mixture has completely dried, apply a layer of paint.