The best tips for teaching children French consist of making the experience seem less like work and more like play. The earlier they become familiar with the language, the more of a chance they have of grasping it. Using various teaching tools that are geared toward children can make the learning process seem as easy as an everyday playtime activity. Talking with other French speakers of every level helps develop conversation skills, but being able to learn French along with a parent can enhance the experience. Exposing the child to different elements of French culture provides a wide array of learning environments and a way to test out language skills in a real-life scenario.
Start as early as possible when teaching children French. In an area where French is not the primary language, they are likely going to be more accustomed to the language they experience frequently on a daily basis. The earlier they start, the more they become accustomed to the sounds and speech patterns that make up the language.
The more the children want to use the teaching tools, the more experience they’ll have with the language. French books, cartoons, movies, and coloring books are excellent ways of teaching children French while still allowing them their play time. Each item will have an age level on it and many will also have a language level (beginner, intermediate or advanced), so it’s possible to choose one according to the child’s skill level.
Allowing children to interact with others who also speak French puts them in a position to improve their conversation skills. Some of the best places to find such people are French play groups, classes and events. If possible, allow the children to be surrounded by others who have different understanding levels of the language including a mix of beginner learners, those who have studied French for a few years and native speakers.
In addition to encouraging interaction with others who speak French, consider learning the language yourself. Having a significant person in their lives, especially a parent, who is also trying to learn French can make the learning process for children even better. It allows for a constant source of French conversation and can help them have someone to relate to who is also going through the same experience.
Another way of teaching children French is to take them to places that expose them to the French culture. Obviously, the ideal place to do this would be France, however, since that’s not always possible, take them to French restaurants, museums and movie theaters that show French movies. While at these places, encourage the children to talk in the language as much as possible.
Teaching children French is easier when they’re receptive to what they’re being taught, which means making the experience as exciting as possible. One of the best tips is to tailor the lessons to each child; for example, teach the art of French cooking to children who love to cook and encourage those who love to write stories to do so in French. It can make a big difference in the learning process.