What Are the Best Tips for Using Leftover Mashed Potatoes?

Using leftover mashed potatoes can be a delightful way to repurpose this versatile and delicious side dish. Rather than letting those creamy spuds go to waste, you can transform them into a variety of tasty dishes that are sure to impress your family and friends. In this detailed guide, we will explore the best tips for using leftover mashed potatoes, providing you with creative and mouthwatering recipes that will make you look like a culinary genius.

1. Shepherd’s Pie:
One of the most classic and beloved dishes made with leftover mashed potatoes is Shepherd’s Pie. This hearty and comforting dish consists of a flavorful meat filling, traditionally lamb or beef, topped with a generous layer of mashed potatoes. To make Shepherd’s Pie, start sautéing onions, garlic, and your choice of ground meat in a pan until browned. Add in some vegetables such as carrots, peas, and corn, along with some tomato paste and Worcestershire sauce for added depth of flavor. Let the mixture simmer for a few minutes, then transfer it to a baking dish. Spread the leftover mashed potatoes evenly over the filling, using a fork to create decorative ridges. Bake the Shepherd’s Pie in the oven at 375°F (190°C) for about 25-30 minutes, until the top turns golden brown and the filling is bubbling. Serve this delicious dish piping hot and enjoy the comforting flavors.

2. Potato Pancakes:
Another fantastic way to use up your leftover mashed potatoes is transforming them into crispy and flavorful potato pancakes. To make these delectable treats, combine the mashed potatoes with some flour, beaten eggs, finely chopped onions, salt, and pepper in a mixing bowl. Heat a generous amount of vegetable oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Spoon the potato mixture into the hot oil, forming small patties, and cook until golden brown on both sides, about 3-4 minutes per side. Serve these potato pancakes hot with applesauce or sour cream as a tasty side dish or snack.

3. Loaded Potato Skins:
Transform your leftover mashed potatoes into an indulgent appetizer making loaded potato skins. Start halving baked potatoes lengthwise and scooping out the flesh, leaving a thin layer of potato attached to the skin. Brush the potato skins with melted butter, sprinkle them with salt, and bake them in the oven at 400°F (200°C) for about 10-15 minutes until they turn crispy and golden. Fill the potato skins with your leftover mashed potatoes, and top them with shredded cheese, crumbled bacon, chopped green onions, and a dollop of sour cream. Return the potato skins to the oven and broil for a few minutes until the cheese is melted and bubbly. Serve these loaded potato skins as a delicious and crowd-pleasing appetizer.

4. Potato Croquettes:
Potato croquettes are a delightful way to breathe new life into your leftover mashed potatoes. To make these crispy and golden nuggets, combine the mashed potatoes with some grated cheese, chopped herbs like parsley or chives, and a beaten egg in a mixing bowl. Roll the mixture into small balls or cylinder shapes, then dip them into beaten egg and coat them in breadcrumbs. Heat vegetable oil in a skillet and fry the croquettes until they turn golden brown and crispy on all sides. Drain them on a paper towel to remove excess oil, then serve them hot with a dipping sauce of your choice.

5. Creamy Potato Soup:
On those chilly evenings, a warm and comforting bowl of potato soup can make for the perfect dinner. Use your leftover mashed potatoes as a base for a creamy and rich potato soup. Start sautéing diced onions and minced garlic in a large pot until they turn translucent. Add in diced carrots and celery, and cook them for a few more minutes. Pour in chicken or vegetable broth, and bring the mixture to a simmer. Stir in the leftover mashed potatoes, some milk or heavy cream, and season with salt, pepper, and any desired herbs or spices. Let the soup simmer for about 15-20 minutes until all the flavors meld together. Serve the creamy potato soup garnished with chopped green onions or crumbled bacon for extra flavor.

6. Potato Bread:
Leftover mashed potatoes can also be used to make fluffy and flavorful potato bread. Simply replace a portion of flour in your favorite bread recipe with an equal amount of mashed potatoes. Knead the dough until smooth and elastic, then let it rise until doubled in size. Shape the dough into a loaf or rolls, and let it rise again. Bake the potato bread in a preheated oven according to your recipe’s instructions. The mashed potatoes will add moisture and a subtle richness to the bread, resulting in a deliciously tender and flavorful loaf.

7. Potato Gnocchi:
If you’re feeling adventurous, consider making homemade potato gnocchi with your leftover mashed potatoes. Gnocchi are small dumplings made from a dough consisting of mashed potatoes, flour, and eggs. To make them, combine the mashed potatoes with flour, beaten eggs, and a pinch of salt in a mixing bowl. Gradually add more flour until the dough comes together and is no longer sticky. Divide the dough into smaller portions, then roll each portion into a long rope. Cut the rope into small pieces, and press each piece against the back of a fork to create ridges. Blanch the gnocchi in boiling water until they float to the surface, then drain them and toss them in your favorite sauce, such as marinara or brown butter with sage.

8. Cottage Pie:
Similar to Shepherd’s Pie, Cottage Pie is a comforting dish that uses leftover mashed potatoes to top a flavorful meat filling. Traditionally made with ground beef, this recipe can be customized to your liking with other types of meat or even vegetarian options. Begin sautéing onions, garlic, and your choice of ground meat in a skillet until browned. Add in some diced vegetables like carrots, peas, and mushrooms, along with beef or vegetable broth and tomato paste. Allow the mixture to simmer for a few minutes, then transfer it to a baking dish. Top the filling with an even layer of mashed potatoes and smooth the surface with a spoon. Bake the Cottage Pie in a preheated oven at 375°F (190°C) for about 30 minutes, until the edges are golden and the filling is bubbling. Let it cool slightly before serving, and enjoy this comforting and delicious dish.

9. Potato Dumplings:
Potato dumplings, also known as knödel or kopytka, are a delightful addition to any meal. They can be served alongside meat dishes or as a standalone dish. To make potato dumplings, mix leftover mashed potatoes with flour, an egg, breadcrumbs, and salt, to form a pliable dough. Roll the dough into small balls or oval shapes, then drop them into boiling salted water. Cook the dumplings for about 10-12 minutes until they float to the surface. Serve them hot with melted butter, gravy, or sautéed onions for a delicious and satisfying meal.

10. Potato Tacos:
Give your tacos a unique twist using leftover mashed potatoes as a filling. Warm up some tortillas and spread a layer of mashed potatoes on each one. Top them with your favorite taco toppings, such as shredded cheese, avocado slices, salsa, and chopped cilantro. You can also add some sautéed veggies, grilled meat, or beans for added flavor and texture. Roll up the tacos and serve them as a delicious and satisfying vegetarian option.

Leftover mashed potatoes should never go to waste, as they can be transformed into a variety of delicious dishes. From classic Shepherd’s Pie and loaded potato skins to crispy potato pancakes and creamy potato soup, there are countless ways to repurpose those creamy spuds. Whether you’re craving a comforting meal, a tasty snack, or a unique twist on a traditional dish, these tips will help you make the most of your leftover mashed potatoes. So next time you find yourself with some leftovers, don’t hesitate to get creative in the kitchen and enjoy the incredible versatility of mashed potatoes.