It takes not only natural talent but also ongoing vocal training to become a singer. Singers are always looking for ways to expand their range, strengthen their voices, and learn new techniques. A singer must first learn to train and protect his or her voice before embarking on any kind of musical career. While other musicians play external instruments that only require interaction of the hands, fingers, wrists, or mouth, singers have a more difficult task because their instrument is built in. As a result, not only the throat but the entire body must be kept in good shape.
Taking singing lessons is the first step toward becoming a singer. This education should not be limited to a few lessons; most professional singers will continue to take lessons throughout their careers. A vocal coach works with a student one-on-one to improve the singer’s voice through singing and breathing exercises. Aspiring singers are also taught how to protect their voices from harm vocal coaches. When you sing incorrectly, you can develop vocal nodules or polyps on your vocal folds, which usually require surgery to remove. In some cases, the damage is permanent and extensive enough to put a singer’s career on hold.
To avoid vocal damage, keep the vocal folds, neck, shoulder, and face muscles relaxed. Several relaxation exercises will be given to the student while studying to become a singer. Stretching, neck rolls, singing scales, and other techniques are commonly used. It is critical for the singer to include these exercises in his or her warm-up routine. Even if the vocalist is not scheduled to perform, the vocal coach usually advises the student to continue these exercises on a daily basis in order to maintain vocal strength.
Singing students also learn what foods, drinks, and other unhealthy habits they should avoid from a vocal coach. Because the vocal folds are so delicate, they require constant lubrication to stay healthy. Certain spices, beverages, and medications can irritate the vocal folds and cause damage to the voice. Milk and other dairy products, for example, contribute to an excess of mucus in the throat and nasal passages. Caffeine-containing beverages dry out the throat and tighten the vocal muscles. Alcohol has a drying effect as well.
Many inexperienced singers mistakenly believe that sipping hot tea with lemon — a common home remedy for a sore throat — will improve their voice. While tea with lemon may temporarily relieve pain, it can actually cause more harm than good. Even caffeine-free teas can dry out the throat, which is the last thing a singer needs. Citrus fruits, such as lemon and lime juice, cause the vocal folds to contract and can also cause acid reflux, making the singer even more uncomfortable. The best liquid for the voice, according to vocal coaches, is at least 10 to 12 glasses of pure drinking water per day. Drinking plenty of water is one of the most common tips vocal coaches give to aspiring singers.