What are the Best Ways to get a Glowing Complexion?

A glowing complexion is an excellent way to look healthy, fresh, awake, and beautiful. Though skincare and makeup products can help the face appear glowing and healthy, a true glowing complexion is best achieved from the inside. Some of the best ways to create a healthy looking complexion are to eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, and get enough sleep.

When skin is nourished and hydrated, it automatically looks better. It is important to eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, as well as to avoid foods high in sugar or fat. Drink six to eight glasses of water per day, and try to avoid sugary drinks like sodas. Getting enough exercise can also lead to a glowing complexion because of the increased circulation and overall health improvements; a healthy body on the inside will clearly be seen on the outside.

Getting enough sleep every night will also help improve one’s complexion, because the skin is able to repair itself at night. If a sleep mask is worn, be sure it is silk so the skin can breathe; this can help to prevent blemishes. Another way to get a glowing complexion is to determine one’s skin type, and purchase skin products accordingly.

People with dry skin will want to choose products that offer extra moisture, while those with oily or acne-prone skin might want products that include acne-fighting ingredients. People with sensitive skin should choose products free of added ingredients, such as oils or fragrances, which can irritate the skin. It is a good idea to choose a different moisturizer for day time and night time use.

A day time moisturizer should include sunscreen; most experts recommend at least SPF 15. If the lotion does not include sunscreen, it is important to apply some separately to prevent burns, wrinkles, sun damage, and even skin cancer. An evening moisturizer will typically be thicker and contain fewer ingredients; it will sit more heavily on the face and will deeply moisturize the skin overnight.

Facial masks can also help to create a glowing complexion. These masks may be applied once a week or every few weeks, and act as a deep cleansing treatment to draw out impurities and shrink the pores. In addition to masks, be sure to wash the face twice a day with a gentle cleanser, using water that is lukewarm, not hot. Remove makeup with a makeup remover if necessary. Taking good care of the skin and body to achieve a glowing complexion is one of the best ways to look and feel healthy.