What Are the Characteristics of a Wild Parrot?

A tame pet parrot is much different than a wild parrot. For example, parrots are natural very social animals, and they are often very noisy animals. Since they are also preyed on by other animals, wild parrots are also very jumpy and defensive. They are also used to flying wherever they choose, and they will often not take well to being caged. Wild parrots that are thrown into captivity will often have several behavioral issues that must be addressed.

Although it is not unusual to see one single wild parrot, these exotic birds are generally very social animals. Groups, or flocks, of wild parrots are typically more common than lone parrots. The birds in these groups often communicate and interact with each other in several ways, including using body language and vocalization.

In the wild, parrots typically rely on vocalization to alert other parrots of things like food sources or danger. A wild parrot is a very noisy bird, and it will often screech and whistle, depending on the species. Although some pet parrots are also quite noisy, these tame birds can also be taught to be quiet. This is often done by rewarding the bird when it is quiet.

Wild parrot habitats are often dangerous places for these birds. Parrots are prey animals, meaning that they are nearly always on the look out for predators, which can include raptors, monkeys, snakes, and even humans. For this reason, a wild parrot will often be easily frightened and much more alert than a tame parrot.

Since it is a prey animal, a wild parrot is often very defensive. When it feels threatened, it will become very aggressive. If one of these birds feels cornered or threatened, it will bite or scratch. Sudden movements, loud noises, or simple unfamiliar surroundings can cause a wild parrot to defend itself.

One of the biggest characteristics of a wild parrot, however, is its inclination to be free. In the wild, these birds are typically able to fly wherever they want, whenever they want. If it is caged, though, it loses this freedom. Parrot owners are advised to remove a pet parrot from its cage often.

It is not usually recommended to keep a wild parrot as a pet, but some individuals still do. Wild pet parrots should be kept in very large enclosures, and they should be given a quality commercial parrot food. Since it will most likely be very jumpy and defensive at first, the bird should also be tamed and trained not to bite. After the bird trusts its owner, it can often be taught a variety of parrot tricks.