What Are the Common Causes of Low Semen Volume?

Low semen volume is a relatively common issue for men of any age, although this problem does appear to become more prevalent as a man ages. Hormone problems such as low testosterone levels account for the majority of cases. Additional causes may include frequent sexual activity, nutritional deficiencies, or injury to the testicles. Tight clothing, heat, or infection may also affect the normal production of semen. Any questions or concerns about low semen volume on an individual basis should be discussed with a doctor or other medical professional.

Testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone that is primarily responsible for male reproductive health. Reduced testosterone levels may lead to this condition in some men. Hormone replacement therapy can correct this hormone imbalance for most men, although a complete medical examination is necessary in order to rule out any potentially serious underlying medical conditions.

Frequent sexual activity, including masturbation, may contribute to this condition. If reducing the frequency of sexual activity does not increase semen volume, a doctor should be consulted for further medical evaluation. Nutritional deficiencies, especially involving selenium and zinc, may account for lowered semen volume in some situations. Obesity and a chronically unhealthy diet are frequently responsible for fertility issues such as low semen volume. Heredity or chronic stress may be responsible for lowered semen production, although other potential causes must be ruled out before considering this as a possibility.

Any injury involving the testicles or surrounding tissue may lead to low semen volume. This type of injury should always be reported to a doctor in order to rule out potentially serious complications. The testicles should remain cooler than the rest of the body, so testicular exposure to heat may lead to decreased semen production and fertility problems. Tight clothing can have a negative impact on the production of semen, especially if worn on a regular basis. Men who experience this problem may benefit from wearing loose-fitting underwear such as boxer shorts, especially if infertility is a concern.

Infections affecting any area of the male urinary or reproductive system may cause problems with semen production. Treatment with antibiotics will normally resolve the issue. In some cases, a blockage or tumor may be contributing to the problem. In these rare cases, surgical intervention may be needed, either to preserve fertility or to save the life of the patient. As a man ages, the volume of semen naturally decreases, but any concerns should always be discussed with a doctor or medical professional.